Seedmarket, now in full swing,
es for the selection of seeds, they are very
powerful in selecting rice and other grains.
Seldom supplies a complete line of se-
lectors that meet demands for monochro-
matic selection and even by colors - – Full
Color. For the packing and baling lines, the
company offers pneumatic and servomotor
equipment, resulting into savings in plastic,
efficiency and continued production, with
great advantages in the consumption of air
and electric energy.
Besides selectors for different types of
grains, Selgron develops solutions for the
line of Graders, Packers, Grouping Devices,
Robotic Palletizing Systems, meeting the
specific needs of different branches of busi-
ness andclients, greatlypopularwithBrazil-
ian agribusiness and abroad.
Selgron’s installed pieces of equipment
tion to supply any spare parts for the equip-
ment installed in the field, with an assur-
ufactured 26 years ago. Besides its vast Net-
work of Services, it runs test laboratories for
products located throughout LatinAmerica.
In addition to all these services it also
offers technical/commercial con-
sultancy for the development and
improvement of the flow and
Now more than 25
years in the market,
with its own head-
quarters, a park of
190,000 m² and around
130 collaborators, Sel-
gron is based in Blume-
nau (SC). It is the only Bra-
zilian company that
offers full solutions
for the market,
in the line of
lection, pack-
and robotic pal-
letizing systems,
and this is what
makes the differ-
ence at Selgron
in the domes-
elgron, 100 percent nation-
al company, operates strongly
in Brazil and abroad, assisting
more than 40 countries in the
five continents. Supplier of tech-
nology for the agribusiness segment, taking
innovation to theconsumermarket, at grad-
ing, selection, packing, grouping and in ro-
botic palletizers for all types of grains and
The seed market is on a rising trend
and, therefore, the requirements in terms of
quality and innovation become determin-
ing factors relative to the product. Selgron,
focused on these needs, is determined to
provide themarket with the best in terms of
seed selection efficiency. Concerned about
the effective and satisfactory germination
of the seeds, and about always offering the
best when it comes to meeting client de-
mands, the companyalways tries toprovide
innovation and technology that enhance
even further the quality of whatever crop is
cultivated. This is the way for the company
to add more value to the final product, as a
seed that germinates properly is an assur-
ance for efficient production for the entire
supply chain.
Vision III and Grand Vision III Electron-
ic Selection Lines are pieces of equipment
that meet the demands of this market. Be-
sides ensuring precise selection, they iden-
tify and discard products in subtle colors
anda variety of flaws. Equippedwithoptical
cameras and LED lights, resulting into deep
contrast between flawedproducts and flaw-
lessones. Theyalsohave individual sensitiv-
ity controls,making it easier for theoperator
to select the type of flaws to be eliminated.
Very versatile, besidesbeingexcellent devic-