cknowledged as one of the
biggest agriculture and beef
cattle expositions, Expoag-
ro reaches its 40th edition in
2017. The biggest open air fair
in Latin America takes place from August
26 through September 3, in the Assis Bra-
zil Exposition Park, in Esteio, state of Rio
Grande do Sul, within the expectation of
the arrival of spring and the beginning of a
new agricultural crop. The latest novelties
It isalways
Expointer, in Esteio (RS),
turns 40 in 2017
as one of themost
reference points in
agribusiness events
in theworld
in cattle farming, agricultural technology
and agroindustrial breakthroughs are dis-
played during the exhibition days, where
the highlight is state-of-the-art machin-
ery, the latest in genetics and main cattle
breeds raised in the State.
Withavast rangeof diversities focusedon
primary production, the 40th Expointer also
stages seminars, workshops, lectures, public
hearings and machinery dynamics, besides
shows and leisure facilities that bring the ru-
ral and urban environments closer together.
The numbers in 2016 attest to the fair’s eco-
nomic importance for theState, with355,000
visitors and R$ 1.9 billion in sales of animals,
handicraft items, family agroindustry items,
machines and farmimplements.
Inorder tocommemorate the40yearsof
Expointer, the organizers chose the follow-
ing guiding principle for this edition: “The
farm creates the future”. The expectation is
for a repeat of the successful numbers of the
previous year, when machinery sales were
up 12.95% from2015. In order to attract loy-
al visitors in bigger numbers, the program
features upwards of 280 attractions that
occur simultaneously, and they can be fol-
lowed easily in the fair’s application – cre-
ated two years ago, with tips and details for
visitors and exhibitors.
The 83rd edition of the Ex-
poZebu, viewed as the biggest zebu cattle
exposition in the world, was held from April
29 through May 7 at Parque Fernando Cos-
ta, in Uberaba (MG). The technical program
addressed the theme, “New Routes for New
Results”, which raised the Integrated Crop-
-Livestock-Forest (ICLF) flag, giving publici-
ty to its social and economic benefits. The
idea of the Brazilian Association of Zebu Bre-
eders (ABCZ), organizer of the event, consists
nable business, highlighting the share of the
sector in the Brazilian economy. Furthermo-
re, it aims to encourage the cattle farmers to
bet on technique if better andmore relevant
results are tobeachievedon their farms.