saldo comercial brasileiro
na área de lácteos está ne-
gativo desde 2008. Embora
às vezes melhorem as ex-
portações e diminuam as
importações, como aconteceu em 2013 e
2014, a balança ainda pende para a en-
trada maior de produtos estrangeiros,
em especial dos países vizinhos, Uruguai
(52%) e Argentina (35%). O problema
manifestou-se com força mais uma vez
em 2016, quando, conforme dados da
Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento
(Conab), o saldo desfavorável cresceu na
ordem de 400% em valor e de 215% em
volume sobre o ano anterior.
O cenário interno, commaiores dificul-
dades para a produção, e o externo, com
preços mais baixos, favoreceu este fluxo.
Já em 2017, com alguma recuperação de
valores pagos em nível internacional, di-
minuiu a competitividade das importa-
ções, tanto que já chegou a se registrar
redução no volume internalizado nos pri-
meiros sete meses e no saldo em termos
quantitativos. Mas a exportação ainda era
Balança comercial
de lácteos do Brasil
permanece negativa,
enquanto o setor busca
meios demelhorar as
exportações e diminuir
as importações
he Brazilian dairy trade balance
has been experiencing a short-
fall since 2008. In spite of the
fact that sometimes exports go
up and imports drop, as it hap-
pened in 2013 and 2014, the trade balance
is still registering the entrance of a bigger
number of foreign items, especially from
neighboring countries like Uruguay (52%)
and Argentina (35%). The problem surfaced
again in 2016, when, according to numbers
released by the National Food Supply Agen-
Braziliandairy trade
balance continues
negative, and the
sector is seeking chances
to boost exports and
reduce imports
cy (Conab), the shortfall went upby 400 per-
cent in value and 215 percent in volume
compared to the previous year.
The domestic scenario, facing more dif-
ficulties in production, and the foreign sce-
nario, with lower prices, favored this flow.
In 2017, with some recovery of the values
paid at international level, the competi-
tion of the imports decreased, so much
that a decrease in the volume of imported
items has been registered in the first seven
months and in the balance, in quantitative
terms. But exportswere still running far be-
low imports, both in value and quantity,
and the shortfall continued high.
The most common import item is whole
milk powder (51%), and Uruguay accounted
for 68percent of thisproduct in2016.Imports
from this country are a cause for concern for
the Brazilian sector, especially in the South,
the most affected region. So much that Dar-
lanPalharini, executive secretary to theDairy
Industries’ Union in Rio Grande do Sul (Sin-
dilat/RS), raised the question, at a public
hearing in the Chamber of Deputies , in Au-
gust 2017, of the chance for a triangulationof
´products fromother countries to enter Bra-
zil with incentive fromthe neighboring coun-
try of Uruguay, claiming for government ac-
tion tocurb this typeof business.
Although still low, Brazilian exports are
more expressive in whole milk powder (on
a par with the 52 percent rate in 2016), be-
sides 30 percent in exports of other types
of “milk, milk cream, condensed milk”. The
destination is rather concentrated on Vene-
zuela (53% last year), besides around 8 per-
cent toSaudi Arabiaand6percent toAngola
and the United States. The idea of the sec-
tor is to diversify the list of exported prod-
ucts and volumes, investing in target mar-
kets like Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates, the United States and Russia, ac-
cording to a sectoral program focused on
foreign promotion, supported by the indus-
try and the government.