The cultivation of tobaccomingles with the Brazilian history itself. Ever since the
Europeans occupiedour territory, the production and consumptionof tobaccowere
present, as was the case with the native populations, way before the arrival of Chis-
topher Columbus inAmerica. However, contrary toanymoment before, itwas in the
duction of light tobacco varieties, especially the Virginia type, produced from seeds
brought from the United States. An initiative by a company in South Brazil provided
for a special environment for this expansion: the implementation, back in 1918, of
the Integrated Tobacco Production system, introduced by Souza Cruz.
In 2018, the first centenary of this pioneer experience is commemorated, consist-
ing in the integrationbetween a tobacco company and the rural producers. Through
this initiative, Souza Cruz contacted the tobacco farmers and assumed the commit-
ment to acquire the entire crop, offering free technical assistance and a technologi-
cal package. The farmers, in turn, undertook to sell their crop to the company, which
the needs of its national and international clients.
In short, it was good for both parties. The model was such a success that in the
In2018, the tobacco sector celebrates the 100th
anniversary of the IntegratedProductionmodel,
successfully adopted by several other sectors
The futurehas already
following years the entire tobacco supply chain
began to operate on the pillars of the integrated
production model. Organizations acting on be-
half of the interests of the industries and farmers
surfaced in the following decades, resulting into
a stronger Integrated Production System. It was
adopted by the majority of the companies of the
sector, and became an international reference. In
light of the unquestionable benefits of this mod-
el for all parties involved, the competitiveness
of Brazilian tobacco in the world was greatly ex-
panded, to thepoint that the cropbegan tobe ex-
ported to upwards of 100 countries.
If in the tobacco activity this bid consolidated,
efficiently inserting almost 200 thousand small-
scale farmers in a competitive global market, oth-
er agribusiness segments, identifiedwith thesmall
family farms, started to introduce the same mod-
el. Poultry and pig farming, along with dairy op-
erations, fruit and vegetables, decided to operate
in the Integration System, resulting into the same
benefits for bothparties, industries andproducers.
translated intoeconomic,
environmental and
social benefits
Inor Ag. Assmann
Nonetheless, it is in tobacco that, for 100 years now, the dissemination of the economic, social and environmental advantages are clear-
er andmore evident, translating into quality of life in the countryside, along with the aggregation of quality differentials to production. Not
only tobacco related businesses get stronger, but programs, campaigns and awareness initiatives go so far as to change cultural habits and
modernize theentire rural setting. Environmental preservation, reforestation, diversificationof the income sources, soil andwater conserva-
tion concerns, education of tobacco growers’ children, rural succession andmany other aspectswere jointly debated, in integratedmanner,
by the companies of the sector and by their integrated producers, through their entities.
In light of the imposing production of tobacco in the Country, impressive rural setting, production stability in volume and quality, industry
ed, receptiveandconscious (inshort: integrated), the future isnohypothesis. The future is a reality, because it has already started.