Inor Ag. Assmann
ever was there a year when as
much coffee was produced in
Brazil as in the 2016 growing
season. The biggest crop in
history resulted from a happy
combination of factors, in a high produc-
tion year in the biennial cycle, when the
coffee fields reachpeak productivity. These
factors include the behavior of the climate,
which finally favored agricultural crops,
after several years during which the bad
weather conditions adversely affected the
performanceof the crops and thequality of
the cereals. Under such circumstances, the
Country climbed to the position as biggest
global coffee producer, reinforcing, in par-
allel, its position as leading global exporter,
directly responsible for supplying the most
competitive and discerningmarkets.
More than the climate, the Brazilian cof-
fee plantations are, year after year, taking
advantageof evermore sophisticated tech-
nologies, which are an assurance of higher
productivity levels, and beans in harmo-
ny with environmental standards and with
the quality required by discerning consum-
ers. Newharvest strategies, which preserve
the properties of every bean, as well as im-
Directly from
proved coffee drying and industrialization
processes, place the Brazilian coffee farm-
ers on the frontline of the best coffee pro-
ducers. Directly from the farms spread
across several states, especially Minas
Gerais, the “Land of Coffee”, par excellence;
Espírito Santo and Bahia, but with the pri-
mordial participation of São Paulo, Paraná
and Rondônia, Brazilian coffees are con-
quering the palate.
In this edition of the Brazilian Coffee
Yearbook, we update you on information
regarding production andmarkets, we pro-
vide the profile of the growing regions and
focus on the research and technology dif-
ferentials, which, year after year, supply
the domestic and foreignmarket. In all seg-
ments of contemporary society coffee is
present, even in art. Aromas, colors and fla-
vors please our everyday lives andmake us
happier. Happy reading!