his time, high prices and big
volumes came at the same time
in Brazilian sugar, global leader
in production and exports. The
fact took place in the 2016/17
growing season, after a period of smaller
production and global deficit, and sweet-
ened the financial standing of the sector,
which had been facing difficulties. None-
theless, for the next season, another sce-
nario of production outstripping consump-
tion is anticipated, a fact that is showing
reflections on the 2017market.
“From late October to early Novem-
ber 2016, the Cepea/Esalq Indicator, in the
State of São Paulo, exceeded R$ 100 per 50
kilogram sack, nominal level that had nev-
er been achieved in the entire historical se-
ries of the product”, said sources from the
Center for Applied Studies on Advanced
Economics (Cepea), of the Luiz de Queiroz
College of Agriculture (Esalq), a division of
the São Paulo State University (USP), in the
analysis of the yearly scenario. “In Brazil-
ian currency terms, deflated by the Internal
Availability – General Price Index (IGP-DI), of
November 2016, thepriceswere close to the
quotes of March 2011, when the indicator’s
averagepointed toR$100.60per sack”, eval-
uation officials complemented.
The impulse, ratified by Cepea offi-
cials, “came from the international market,
which rose considerably during most of
last year, influenced by expectations point-
ing to global sugar shortages”. In light of
this perspective, production in Brazil also
soared, reaching significant strides over
the previous season, which had registered
the second drop in a row. The growth rate
ascertained by the National Food Supply
Agency (Conab) is 15.5 percent, and of the
Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association
(Unica), 14.5 percent. The volume amount-
ed to 38.7 million tons, only surpassed in
the 2013/14 growing season, with upwards
of 38.8million tons.
Within this context, Conab, in its initial
survey of the new season, in April 2017, not-
ed that the “sugar and alcohol units, partic-
ularly the ones located in São Paulo, listed
2016/17 sugar season fetched
productionlevelsinBrazil, leaderofthesector
Sílvio Ávila