Anuário Brasileiro de Cana-de-açúcar 2017 - page 52

he generation of electric energy
from sugarcane biomass for the
National Interconnected System
(NIS) completes 30 years in 2017.
Mills São Francisco, São Martin-
ho and Vale do Rosário, in Ribeirão Preto, in
the State of São Paulo, started supplying en-
ergy to the electrical grid in 1987. Since then,
with the evolution of the Brazilian sugar and
energy sector in the years that followed, this
number jumped to 175 units, almost half of
Since 2013, the power plants generate
more energy for the Interconnected System
than for their own needs. Of the total pro-
duced, in 2015, 60 percent was destined for
the electrical grid and 40 percent for their
own consumption. During the season, all the
mills that producesugar andethanol areself-
sufficient. Each ton of sugarcane produces
approximately 250 kilograms of bagasse. In
Sugar and energy sector completes
30yearsofenergygenerationfortheNational InterconnectedSystem,
Sílvio Ávila
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