Dear reader,
Success is only attained if obstacles are overcome and
barriers broken. The farmers in Western Bahia are used
to facing challenges that started when they began to in-
vest in the future of the region, some three decades ago.
They faced recent climate adversities head on and, in a
more favorable situation, harvested the biggest crop ever
in the 2016/17 growing season. This harvest reaffirmed
the immense productive strength of regional agribusi-
ness and the ever-rising contribu-
tion to local, state and national de-
At the same time, the crop was
evidence of the working and inno-
vative capacity of the rural entre-
preneurs in the region, who seek
constant technological improve-
ments and the necessary means for
achieving the best results. Along
with the high investments in fertil-
ization and soil management, evo-
lution in mechanization and infor-
mation technology are a guarantee
of efficient and precision farming, both in the productive
and environmental plan, retaining organic matter, soil,
water and carbon. All this translates into economic, so-
cial and environmental sustainability.
The pioneering spirit, the frontline position, boldness,
organization and vision are no strangers to the produc-
ers, turning agribusiness into the main activity in the re-
gion and the driving force behind the economy and soci-
ety. All this important legacy is protected with the same
determination by those who are on the frontline of the
sector, where our Bahia Association of Farmers and Ir-
rigators (Aiba) plays a relevant role. Jointly with sever-
al private and public organs, it tries to conquer the best
conditions for keeping and raising the production vol-
umes, side by side with all the development it promotes.
Within this context, no efforts are spared when it
comes to achieving the goals and yearnings of the pro-
ducing area. The projects and initiatives are focused on
a variety of segments, based on joint efforts intended to
keep and carry on with the logistic structures of the dif-
ferent modals, so as to make sure that the roadways keep
pace with the sector’s evolution potential. Additionally,
there is need for better alternatives with regard to phy-
tosanitary control, environmental regulation, social se-
curity contribution, safety at the
activity and sectoral promotion,
besides several social and educa-
tional support fronts, which iden-
tify an economic sector that is an
integral part of society in general
and generates its never-stopping
There is a renewed atmo-
sphere in the air, in the environ-
ment and in the urge of the pro-
ducers in the region, who are
entering a new year and begin-
ning a new growing season with
confidence. Although political uncertainties are hovering
in the air, there are perspectives pointing to an econom-
ic recovery that could improve consumption and busi-
nesses, where regional agribusiness wants to follow its
course, with recognition and conditions for showing its
potentialities and materializing the future that belongs to
it. Within this context, there is the annual publication that
we hereby present, with all the best wishes.
Celestino Zanella
Bahia Association of Farmers
and Irrigators (Aiba)
AÁrea d
Bahia e
da unida