Bruno Pedry
The Technological Vocation Center for Tobacco Farming Diversification in
Vale do Rio Pardo (CVT) will be inaugurated at the 18th edition of Expoagro Af-
ubra. The project, developed through a partnership between the Municipal Ad-
ministration of Rio Pardo, Tobacco Growers’ Association of Brazil (Afubra), Uni-
versity of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc) and Regional Council for the Development of
Vale do Rio Pardo (Corede/VRP), will centralize the diversification initiatives rela-
tive to family farming in the region.
It will equally serve as a technological Extension Unit, in charge of applied re-
search and technological and professional education. Through lectures and ca-
pacity building courses, CVTwill promote technological extension and publicity to
research works originated at TechnoUnisc. These are activities that are supposed
to generate regional agricultural and industrial diversification, with the focus on
biotechnology and biochemistry.
dustries run by families.
Activities related to agroenergy have also
been confirmed, along with production tech-
nologies, reforestation moves, vegetables, beef
cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, birds and fish. The
expectation of the Tobacco Growers’ Associa-
tion of Brazil (Afubra), organizer of the event,
is to present, during the 18th Expoagro, the
suggestion to extend the fair to four days in
2019. Dornelles explains that this would wid-
en the opportunity for businesses and expand
the chances for the people to visit the fair. For
the coming editions, the idea is to build a road
junction in front of the entrance gate, at BR-
471, for traffic flow reasons during the event.
Soil exerts a primordial
role in every livestock,
agriculture and
vegetable operation