Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2017 - page 121

The Cooperation Center for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco (Coresta) is
an association founded in 1956, governed by French Law, whose objective consists
in promoting international cooperation on tobacco-oriented studies. Its 150 perma-
nent members are organizations, including companies, institutes, laboratories and
associations, with activities related to tobacco and its byproducts, whether in the
production field (agronomy, genetic enhancement, phytopathology) or in the man-
ufacturing units, chemistry, metrology or materials (cigarette paper and filters). The
associatemembers are based inmore than 40 countries and are represented in up-
wards of 50 countries through their subsidiaries and affiliates. At site
org, it is possible to have a closewatch on all Coresta deliberations.
October 22; a typical gaucho dinner, on the eve-
ning on October 24; and a Farewell Gala Dinner, at
SantaCruzCountryClub, onOctober 26.
SindiTabaco president Iro Schünke highlights
the importance of the Coresta in our city. He em-
phasizes that in Brazil there is always a big au-
dience, seeing that the Country is a reference in
tobacco quality and because, besides the ide-
al production system, in small-scale farms, the
city is also home to a huge processing complex.
“In general, those who attend the Coresta meet-
ing, usually decide to visit some industries. Some
come before the event, others stay for some days
fers to the relevance of bringing together the pro-
duction areas, as the Brazilian production system
in theUnited States, Italy andGermany.
from 22
countries attended
the meeting
3715 7940 – 3715 7964
Santa Cruz do Sul – RS
Por ummundomais integrado.
Towards an
integrated world.
Quase 200 mil famílias produzem tabaco nomeio rural brasileiro.
Milhões de trabalhadores atuamnos demais elos do setor.
Dezenas de folhas formam a manoca, firme e resistente.
Há 100 anos tudo começou, com a Produção Integrada.
Há 20 anos a
Editora Gazeta
conta essa história.
Abra você também a sua mente.
Por ummundomais integrado.
Nearly 200 thousand families grow
tobacco in the Brazilian rural setting. 
Millions of workers are involved in the other
links of the sector.
Tens leaves form a firm and resistant bundle.
For 100 years now, this is how things are, thanks to
Integrated Production.
For 20 years, Editora Gazeta has told this story.
Open your mind, too.
Towards and integrated world.
Lula Helfer
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