After the first quarter of the year below the initial expectations, Brazilian tobac-
coexportsmadeagood recovery and shouldcome toyear’s endwithaperformance
similar to 2016, slightly over 480 thousand tons and revenue of more than US$ 2 bil-
lion. This expectation is expressed by the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (Sindi-
Tabaco, based on a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) auditors,
who foresee a stable situation, with an errormargin of either plus orminus 2%.
Until May, Brazil’s performance remainedmuch below the average over the past
18 years in volumes shipped abroad, but this situation was still a reflection of the
2015/16 crop year, which, due to the interference of the El Niño phenomenon was
much smaller than initially estimated. This adversely affected the ending stocks,
which are normally negotiated in the first months of the year, while the new crop is
processed. China,whichpracticallydidnot purchaseany tobaccoat thebeginningof
the year, returned to themarket at the end of the first half of the year.
Taking into consideration the average of the past 10 years, Brazil exported 90%
of its annual production. Since 1993, it is the leading global exporter of leaf tobac-
co, a year in which Brazil outstripped the United States. Brazilian exports began to
increase in volume as of 1978 and expanded their share in the international mar-
Tobacco exports shouldkeep relatively stable
in2017 compared to 2016, withmore than
US$ 2 billion in revenue fromthe businesses
Keeping to the
ket gradually, until reaching the hegemony of its
leadership now going on for a quarter of a centu-
ry. For 2018, there isnoestimateof howtheCoun-
try will fare in the international market. Off the
record, the officials of the sector believe in the
continuity of the volumes, butwith slight advanc-
es in revenue. The falling value of the Brazilian
currency against the dollar, since mid-October,
renews the expectations.
For the timebeing,
isnot yet veryclear
Inor Ag. Assmann
Desempenhodas exportações em2017
Janeiro a outubro
Região Sul – até outubrode 2017:
365.735 toneladas
(-8,59% em relação a 2016)
US$ 1.589.583.000
(-5,52% em relação a 2016)
Brasil – até outubrode 2017
369.446 toneladas
(-8,18% em relação a 2016)
US$ 1.621.373.000
(-5,27% em relação a 2016)