Anuário Brasileiro do Café 2017 - page 89

he Brazilian coffee agenda will again be very busy in 2017. Several events
havebeen scheduled in themain states involvedwith the crop, where the
highlights are Minas Gerais, biggest coffee producing hub in the Country;
Bahia, whose regions show distinguishing traits in the cultivation of the
One of the biggest events in Brazil, known as Expocafé, in Três Pontas, South
of Minas Gerais, completes two decades of existence. To mark the occasion, great
celebrations have been scheduled for May 17 and 19, conducted and organized by
the Minas Gerais State Agricultural Research Company (Epamig), in conjunction
with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Epamig’s Agricultural Ex-
periment Station will be the venue for the event. In the meantime, the city hosts
the Eighth Mechanized Coffee Farming Symposium on June 16. Lectures, round
tables, machinery dynamics and businesses among tens of exhibitors, producers
and businessmenwill keep the region busy.
On the other hand, themunicipality of Barra do Choça, in the region of Vitória da
nies andentities. Theevent extends fromJuly30 toAugust 1at FazendaVidigal,which
belongs to Valéria and Gianno, and its distinguishing feature during the entire event
consists inmaking it possible for exhibitors and professionals to have a direct contact
For the second half of the year, two relevant events have been scheduled for
the same two states. In October, from 25 through 27, Belo Horizonte, capital city
of Minas Gerais will host the International CoffeeWeek, when participants fromall
major coffee producing countries will have a chance to interact in the Expominas
Convention Center, with 25 events unfolding simultaneously.
The final coffee farming event on the agenda is the 25th Encafé –National Con-
gress of Coffee Industries, whose venue is Hotel Iberostar Praia do Forte, in Mata
de São João, State of Bahia, from November 22 through 26. It is one of the big-
gest, most traditional and long-lasting congress in the Country. It is organized by
the Brazilian Association of Coffee Industries (Abic) and it promotes the exchange
of knowledge among the participants and the industrial sector.
grainprocessing, includingcoffeebeans
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