substituto de Robério Silva
naOrganização Internacional
do Café (OIC) é outro brasilei-
ro. José Dauster Sette vem a
sucedê-lo na direção executi-
va. A definição do nome aconteceu por con-
senso do Conselho Internacional do Café,
em 17 de março de 2017, depois de várias
tidade. Sette, quevinhaexercendoamesma
função no Comitê Consultivo Internacional
do Algodão (ICAC), atuou em diversos mo-
mentos na área do café, inclusive na chefia
rante um ano, de 2010 a 2011, de forma in-
terina, tambémcomo diretor executivo.
O presidente do Conselho Nacional
do Café (CNC), Silas Brasileiro, integrou
a delegação do País que tratou da suces-
são na agência mundial, chefiada pelo
embaixador Hermano Telles Ribeiro. No
seu entendimento, a experiência de Set-
te em gestão administrativa e financeira
de organismos internacionais, além de
seu amplo conhecimento do setor, con-
ferem-lhe os requisitos necessários para
fortalecer a OIC como fórum internacio-
nal dos assuntos cafeeiros. Vários pontos
foram propostos pelo novo dirigente, se-
gundo ele, com objetivo de ampliar a re-
presentatividade da organização e os im-
pactos promocionais da bebida.
he person who replaces
Robério Silva at the Interna-
tional Coffee Organization
(ICO) is Brazilian, too. José
Dauster Sette replaces him as
executive director. The name was defined
in a consensus decision-making process by
the International Coffee Council, on 17th
March 2017, after several meetings in Lon-
don, England, seat of the entity. Sette, who
is thesubstitute
member of the Country’s delegation that
debated the succession issue at the global
agency, coordinated by ambassador Her-
mano Telles Ribeiro. In his view, the ex-
perience of Sette in administrative and
finance management of international or-
ganisms, besides his vast knowledge of
the sector, attest to his necessary requi-
sites for strengthening the Internation-
al Coffee Organization (ICO) as an inter-
national forum of coffee-related matters.
Several topics were suggested by the new
official, according to him, with the aim to
expand the representativeness of the or-
ganization and promotional impacts of
the beverage.
had been serving in the same position at
the International Cotton Advisory Commit-
tee (ICAC), on several occasions he was di-
rectly involvedwith the coffee department,
even occupying a management position
at the ICO operations from 2007 to 2012
and, during one year, from2010 to 2011, he
served as acting executive director.
The president of the National Cof-
fee Council (NCC), Silas Brasileiro, was a