Anuário Brasileiro da Cana-de-açúcar 2016 - page 41

New growing
season could
expand the
availability of the
product by 10%
lo, in June 2016, representing a difference of
71% from the same month the year before.
In late June 2016, three months after
the beginning of the new crop, the main
sugarcane producing region in the Coun-
try, the Central-South, registered an in-
crease of 19.91% in sugar offer at the mills.
According to the Brazilian Sugarcane In-
dustry Association (Unica), this higher vol-
ume stemmed from an increase in sugar-
cane crushing (9.61%) and in the volume
derived from a ton of sugarcane (9.39%).
The entity likewise, at estimates conduct-
ed in April, projected a bigger volume for
this cycle (7.3% to 12.1%) and confirmed
in June, although admitting that it might
not be possible to reach the projected su-
perior limit, by virtue of a small decline in
the volume of sugarcane to be harvested.
On the other hand, relying on Conab es-
timates, released in April 2016, the states of
Alagoas and Pernambuco, in the Northeast;
São Paulo and Minas Gerais, in the South-
east; Paraná, in the South, were supposed to
destine the bulk of the new crop for the pro-
duction of sugar. “The sugarcane produc-
ers in the Northeast will do it as a tradition-
al procedure, while all other producers are
strongly influenced by the international sug-
ar prices and also by a privileged logistic lo-
cation”, say Conab sources. In the 2015/16
growing season, São Paulo accounted for
63.6% of the total production, followed by
Minas Gerais (9.7%), Paraná (8.1%), Goiás
(5.7%), Mato Grosso do Sul (4%), Alagoas
(3.6%) and Pernambuco (2.5%).
With regard to the coming years, the Min-
istry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
(Mapa) delineate optimistic perspectives for
sugar in the Country. In “Agribusiness Projec-
tions – Brazil 2015/16-2025/26”, the govern-
ment organ estimates a 49-percent increase in
the production of sugar over the period, that
is to say, 3.5% a year, which, in a period of 10
years, would translate into50million tons. Do-
mestic consumption is not supposed to rise
that much (23.9%), while sugar exports are
likely to soar approximately 37.6%.
Sweet country
Projeções para a produção de açúcar
na safra 2016/17 – (com índices de
crescimento sobre o ciclo 2015/16)
(Mil T)
33.500 a 35.000 7,3 a 12,1
Conab, abril de 2016
Unica, abril de 2016
1...,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,...68
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