In the first half of 2016, the electric pow-
er provided by the National Electric Energy
Agency (Aneel) indicates that 8.83% of the
electric matrix comes from this generation
model. The hydraulic matrix comes first, fol-
lowed by fossil fuels, and energy generated
by biomass comes third. The volume repre-
sents 14.019.781 KW, outstrips the produc-
tion of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant.
Sugarcane bagasse represents 78.2%,
with 11.008.691 KW. It is followed by for-
est products, animal waste, agroindustrial
waste, solid urban waste and liquid biofu-
els. Bioelectricity manager at Unica, Zil-
mar Souza, says that in spite of the good
performance of biomass, the continuity
of its use is still unknown. This source
once represented 32% of the evolution
It could be much more
The sector of agroenergy has been losing its vigor without support from
acquisitions, but, even so, it represents more than an Itaipu in the national system
Sílvio Ávila