Anuário Brasileiro do Milho 2017 - page 73

The venue
The capital city of Mato Grosso will host the 14th National Seminar on Second Corn Crop for the first time. The municipali-
ty was chosen for its production relevance in the State, as it is the leading producer of second crop corn in Brazil. In the 2016/17
growing season, the cultivated area reached 4.7 million hectares, according to the Mato Grosso Institute on Agricultural Econo-
my (Imea). Sorriso is the municipality in the region that devotes the biggest area to the cereal, about 440 thousand hectares. The
Mid-North region in Mato Grosso concentrates 43% of the area and supply of the cereal in the entire state.
The president of the event, Claudinei Kappes, recalls that the lush productive performance of the second corn crop in Mato
Grosso was not achieved overnight, but has been accomplished since the early 1990s. “After 25 years, lots of changes have oc-
curred. Researchworks, the development of newhybrid corn cultivars, the use of newmanagement practices by the farmers, the
use of early cycle soybean cultivars during the main season, associated with anticipated seeding, have led to technological ad-
vances and to significant strides in the area devoted to the crop and in the production of second crop corn”, he clarifies.
Cuiabá, capital city of MatoGrosso,
Small details,
he Brazilian Association of Corn
andSorghum(ABMS) promotes
the 14th National Seminar on
SecondCornCrop (SNMS) on21
- 23 November 2017, in Cuiabá,
capital city of Mato Grosso. The event is un-
der the supervision of the Mato Grosso Ag-
ricultural Research Support Foundation
(FoundationMT), jointlywith theMatoGros-
soAssociationof CornandSoybeanProduc-
ers (Aprosoja-MT) and partner institutions.
According to calculations by the organizers,
about 500 participants are expected.
The president of the event, Claudin-
ei Kappes, stresses that the program was
planned to contribute towards new scientif-
ic and technological knowledge, in order to
clarify doubts and surmount all major bot-
ond corn crop at national level. Renowned
lecturers are expected at the event, along
withmoderators and scholars in ecophysiol-
ogy, soil fertilitymanagement, phytosanitary
management of the crop inBrazil.
“Important contributions are equally ex-
pected from the seminar attendees, from
their scientific papers during the posters
session “, he cites. “Bringing contributions,
technological services and innovation, we
will have the sponsoring companies in the
exhibition stands “. In 2017, the chosen
theme for the debates is “Building sustain-
able and profitable production systems”, in
linewith themainobjectives of the seminar.
According to Kappes, the idea is to dis-
seminate the results coming from research
works, hold debates on technical and scien-
tific breakthroughs relative to cultural prac-
show solutions to the hurdles that prevent
the crop from evolving in the main produc-
ing regions. “The event is equally focused on
thedevelopment of production systems eco-
tally correct that maximize the use of land in
a sustainablemanner”, henotes.
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