n May 2017, the presence of DuPont Pi-
oneer in Brazil completes 45 years. The
trajectory of the company in the Coun-
try started in 1972, when joint venture
Proagro Pioneer S.A was created, the
merger of the regional Proagro S.A. and the
international business division of Pioneer
Hi-Bred. In the early 1980s, Proagro was ac-
quired by the North-American multination-
al Pioneer Hi-Bred, and in 1999, it became
a part of the traditional American chemical
companyE.I. DuPont deNemours&Compa-
ny, giving origin toDuPont Pioneer.
The history of the company over this pe-
riod of more than four decades is marked
by great innovations in the national agri-
cultural sector. Some of the most promi-
nent marks include the introduction of the
first three-way cross hybrids in the market,
the famous field days, side by side imple-
mentation, corn seed sales in 60-thousand
seed bags, the launch of 30F53 (best-sell-
ing hybrid maize in the past ten years), be-
sides other innovations that not only boost
yields, but contributed towards solidifying
the Pioneer brand name as one of the most
respected among the farmers.
History of the company in Brazil
A history of success, marked by great
challenges and built with much work and
dedication. DuPont Pioneer has always op-
erated in Brazil guided by its solid corporate
values and with an eye on the future needs
of its clients, clearly intended for the devel-
opment of Brazilian agriculture.
For the future, DuPont Pioneer contin-
ues committed to taking to the rural set-
ting thebest products, information, services
and assistance through the biggest andbest
commercial teamof theagriculturalmarket.
In light of thenewchallenges underway, the
Pioneer® brand mark will continue its tradi-
tion to keep the rural setting on the track of
innovation, technology and, above all, stay-
ing close to the farmers, giving recommen-
dations and supporting their operations.
DuPont Pioneer believes that staying
close to someone means keeping a close
watch on them for a better vision of the fu-
ture. Together, Brazilian farmers and Du-
Pont Pioneer revolutionized Brazilian ag-
riculture, a move that will never stop. After
all, if a seed carries a living element, it dic-
tates the future.