Bahia FarmShow
2017 prompted
worthmore than
R$ 1.5 billion
commented Celestino Zanella and Luiz Antônio Pradella, re-
spectively president and vice-president of the Bahia Associa-
tion of Farmers and Irrigators (Aiba), and of the fair.
The officials witnessed relevant increases in business
deals and in prospective businesses, besides a great va-
riety of themes featured and debated, intended to serve
as pillars of growth, either for small-scale farmers or me-
dium and commercial farmers. In addition to display-
ing the latest novelties in machin-
ery and equipment, all visitors had
the chance to check strides in terms
of different technologies for such ac-
tivities as precision farming, mod-
ern management systems and intelli-
gent irrigation, just to mention a few.
Through Bahia Foundation and Em-
brapa, jointly with the Aiba and Aba-
pa, the first transgenic cotton cultivar
was launched, produced in the region. The cotton-live-
stock integration system was also there, with livestock
auctions; social initiatives were strengthened, with more
adhesions to the sector’s regional fund
(Fundesis); and the new structure was an-
nounced (Food Complex) at Model Farm for
the Young Apprentice Project.
Coordinator of the event, Rosi Cerrato,
from Aiba, equally registered the 15-percent
increase in the number of exhibitors, many
of them fromabroad, coming from countries
like Germany, Spain and the United states,
besides a bigger number of participants of
the previous editions, and a vast integra-
tion of farmers from the entire Matopiba re-
gion ( agricultural frontier that comprises
the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and
Bahia). Those who displayed their products
in the fair reaped good results, in visits, im-
mediate sales and future businesses, reveal-
ing their intentions of returning for the next
exhibition. Bahia Farm Show 2018 has been
scheduled for May 29 to June 2, with the firm
belief to repeat this year’s success.