Anuário da Região Oeste da Bahia - page 89

Region is runningaprogram
intherural setting intended
for saferproductive
activities,besides lending
support tophytosanitary
control initiatives
Cropof the
security forces
for four years
The question of safety in Western Bahia’s productive area has been cap-
turing attention over the past years. The Military Police in Bahia, through the
Western Region Police Command, the Specialized Command Post, the In-
dependent Cipe Cerrado Command and the 3rd Road
Policing Command. The work takes place during sev-
en months and a half and, for the 2017/18 crop year, it
started on 10th October 2017, in Barreiras, along with
a ground patrol and helicopter of the Aero Squadron
(Graer),with theprevision tocall atmore thanone thou-
sand rural properties in 12municipalities in the region.
Theworkhasbeenconducted for four years, starting
after unsafe circumstances that required stricter con-
trol. Since 2014, according to Colonel Paulo Salomão Portugal, of the Region-
al Western Police Command, upwards of two thousand farms have already
beenvisited, some 30 thousandpeoplehavebeen investigated, resulting into
the recovery of some 30 vehicles and cargoes. Furthermore, support is lent to
phytosanitary control, while the inspection of the products of the sector that
are transported is under the responsibility of the Bahia Agriculture Surveil-
lance Agency (Adab), “ensuring that agricultural production in Western Ba-
hia continues making strides”, says”, says Pau-
lo Cezar Simões, general director.
The Bahia Association of Farmers and Ir-
rigators (Aiba) gives support to the logis-
tic side of the operation, offering any help
deemed necessary in its initiatives at field
level. The institution understands that the
initiative is important in that it helps rural
producers to look after their crops without
fearing any kind of violence. “Besides an ap-
propriate infrastructure, farmers need to feel
safe in order to carry out their work”, recalled
Luiz Antônio Pradella, interim president of
the association, at the launch of the Opera-
tion Crop 2017. He recalled that the opera-
tion brought calmness and preserved lives in
the fields of Western Bahia, leading its pro-
ducers, collaborators and their families to
feel safer in their activity”.
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