hen the first Portuguese immigrants arrived in a land, later to be
called Brazil, the production of tobacco was already a reality for
the Indians that lived in the region now known as the State of Ba-
hia. Based on the tobacco produced by the native inhabitants, a
variety was enhanced, and it is now the basis for producing ci-
gars in the Country. For its geographical reference, it was called Brazil Bahia. That
is to say, those who smoke Brazilian cigars do not only inhale tobacco, but equal-
ly tradition and history.
It is on the grounds of this context that the Tobacco Industry Union of Bahia (Sindit-
abaco/BA) wants to strengthen itsmarket position at global level. The denomination of
origin process for the cigar made in Bahia, developed in partnership with the Brazilian
Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), is nowunderway.
Now, only 5%of the tobacco produced in Brazil is transformed into cigars. The re-
maining portion is shipped abroad to countries like Holland, Germany and Switzer-
land, where the manufacturing process takes place. “That is to say, people taste and
appreciate our tobacco, and they do not even know that it is a product from Brazil”,
explains the secretary of the sector and chief executive at the Sectoral Chamber of
the Cigar Supply Chain in Bahia, Daniel Schmidt. “This is the identity we are set to
create. The process should be concluded throughout 2017”.
The city of Cruz das Almas, in the Recôncavo Baiano region, is the epicenter of
this transformation, once it is the main cigar producer nucleus and equally the pro-
ducer of cigar tobacco in Brazil. On its surroundings, there are about 20 other munic-
ipalities, where the quality of the plants and the manufacturing process have char-
acteristics of their own, typical of the region.
The aim is to seek abroad the recognition that already exists at home. The manu-
facture of cigars has been included in the tourists routes for visitors who come to the
State. On a daily basis, people fromall over the world come to see for themselves the
totally manual production process.
of origin of the
cigar made in
Bahia should be
concluded in 2017
Cássio Fernando Filter