* Eagle Flores, Frutas e Hortaliças
* Cargill Agrícola S/A
* Goiás Alimentos S/A
* Goiás Verde Alimentos LTDA
* Karambi Alimentos LTDA
* Pacoti Viveiro deMudas
* Predilecta Alimentos Ltda
* GelsonGoulart da Silva Lima – Vivati GO
* Nunhens do Brasil Comércio de sementes LTDA
* Plantytec Goiás Produtos Agrícolas LTDA
* AlimentosWilson LTDA
* Agropecuaria Canelo LTDA
* Valoriza Agronegócios LTDA
*Mudas Brambilia
* Emra Estufa deMudas Rancho Alegre
Boardof Directors
Predilecta Alimentos, represented by Antonio
Carlos Tadiotti
Cargill, represented by Rafael Santana
Executive Secretariat
Vivati, represented by Naira Azara
Nunhems, represented by Danilo Pereira
Fiscal Council
Valoriza, represented by Paulo Roberto
AlimentosWilson and Agropecuária
Deliberative Council
Eagle, represented by Ivaldo Ribeiro
The restructuring of the Brazilian Asso-
ciation of the Supply Chain of Tomatoes for
Processing (Abratop) started in 2012, and
its identity was officially acknowledged in
April 2016. The president of the entity, An-
tonio Carlos Tadiotti, explains that the need
to create this organ derived from the infor-
mality status of the segment. “The sector was
based on guesswork, that is, communica-
tion, transparency and dialogue did not ex-
ist, contrary to what happens in other toma-
to producing countries, where information
on the crop, based on numbers and indica-
tors, is available all year round”, he justifies.
Now, the expectation is for the new-
ly effected union to make a difference for
the segment in Brazil. Four years ago, 15
members of the union started up the re-
structuring phase of the Abratop, organ
that represents the entire chain, but not
yet the whole of it. Over the period, steps
were taken to grant it an official status, tak-
ing into consideration the interests of every
connection of the supply chain. Associate
members are represented by seed import-
ers, nursery owners, farmers, fertilizer and
pesticide industries, research institutions,
scientists and processing industries.
With its office temporarily located at Win
Events, in Goiânia (GO), the target of the Bra-
zilian Association of the Supply Chain of To-
matoes for Processing consists in bringing the
cycle of the segment to a close, strengthening
the loyalty of any information about produc-
tion and processing, whilst devising alterna-
tive routes for the future, especially in the area
of research. “Our mission consists in introduc-
ing the segment of processed tomatoes as an
important link inBrazilian agribusiness, where
its importance inBrazilianagriculture iswidely
acknowledged”, Tadiotti argues.
Furthermore, the idea is to provide the
sector with the necessary requirements for
joining government organs and entities,
strengthening its representativeness. The
intention is equally to walk hand in hand
with the international partners through
the World Processing Tomato Council
(WPTC), which comprises 97% of all pro-
cessed tomatoes at global level. “Abratop
has been granted the privilege to occupy a
seat at any discussion concerning the way
globalization is unfolding”, he ponders.
In the entrepreneur’s view, the pro-
cessed tomatoes chain plays a fundamen-
tal role in the economy and in Brazil’s so-
cial picture, once it brings in revenue of
R$ 3.2 billion a year, generates thousands
of jobs and supplies the population with
highly nutritious food. Lycopene is known
for its antioxidant properties, which, in
turn, ward off cancer and cardiovascu-
lar problems. “Our challenge consists in
bringing this chain together to strengthen
the sector at its entire representativeness,
at home and abroad”, he concluded.
Staying on top
Afterafour-yearrestructuringphase, theBrazilian