Anuário Brasileiro do Tomate 2016 - page 78

People are getting more and more aware
of the health benefits of tomatoes. This typ-
ically red fruit, is rich in vitamin C ascorbic
acid. Though in smaller concentrations, to-
matoes are equally a source of provitamin
A and complex B vitamins, besides miner-
al salts like calcium, potassium and magne-
sium. As the fruit is rich in lycopene, respon-
sible for its characteristic red color, it equally
has properties that ward off several types of
cancer. Due to its unique chemical structure,
this carotenoid is one of the most powerful
antioxidant compounds.
Agronomic engineer Maria Esther de
Noronha Fonseca explains that in a series of
carotenoids evaluated by Embrapa Vegeta-
bles, lycopene proved to be one of the most
efficient suppressor of free radicals. Its pow-
Health benefits
of tomatoes
Lycopene, acarotenoidpigment, present intomatoes, isan
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