National vineyard
Produção brasileira de uvas
Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola/IBGE – julho 2016
Safra 2015
Safra 2016
Produção (toneladas)
Área plantada (hectare)
Produtividade (kg/ha)
Grapeproduction in
Brazil isestimatedto
dropconsiderably in
season, andtheblame
The 2015/16 Brazilian table grape and
wine grape crop is likely to be remembered
as the one that suffered the biggest drop in
production in the past years. The perfor-
mance was abnormal, as a result of the er-
ratic climate, say leaderships and researchers
of the sector. The total production volume of
the 2015/16 growing season is estimated at
955,379 tons, down 36% from the 1.499 mil-
lion tons harvested in the previous season,
according to the Systematic Survey of Agri-
cultural Production (LSPA) of the Brazilian
Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
The projection of the drop in the nation-
al grape crop reflects the considerable de-
crease of the harvest in Rio Grande do Sul,
leading grape and wine producer, in the
2015/16 growing season. The vitivinicultur-
ists in Rio Grande do Sul accounted for ap-
proximately 60% of the grapes produced in
Brazil in the 2014/15 growing season. For
the current season, the share is estimated at
43.5%, according to IBGE sources. This per-
centage represents the supply of 415.7 thou-
sand tons of fresh grapes. “In all states in the
southern region, adverse climate conditions
were responsible for the smaller production
volumes,” says Loiva Maria Ribeiro de Mello,
researcher at Embrapa Grape and Wine, in
Bento Gonçalves (RS). Besides Rio Grande
do Sul, Santa Catarina had also finished this
year’s harvest. In the states in the Northeast,
grapes are produced year round. In São Pau-
lo, table grapes are harvested during off-sea-
son, from July to November. “Therefore, it is
still early to estimate the entire production in
Brazil”, commented Loiva in August.
In her view, the 2015/16 crop was atypical.
“Several climate related factors are to blame
for the smaller volume”, she mentions. She
clarifies that winter temperatures were mild,
springtime came earlier, there were late frost
conditions, excessive rainfall at blossoming
and even hail storms in some specific regions.
As a result of this climate conditions, wine
grapes experienced an atypical vegetative cy-
cle, as blossoming was anticipated and lacked
uniformity due to the absence of cold temper-
atures. In the sequence, there was late-season
frost, coupled with excessive rainfall at blos-
soming. Similar weather conditions were re-
sponsible for the smaller than expected crops
in Santa Catarina and Paraná.
for the best
Robispierre Giuliani