For the first time, Brazil is going tohost
the 39thWorld Congress of Vine and
Wine, from 23rd to 28th, October 2016
The39thWorldCongress of Vine andWine
will be held from 23rd to 28th, October 2016,
in the municipality of Bento Gonçalves, in Rio
Grande do Sul (RS). For the first time, Brazil
will be the venue of the event, considered to
be the most important in the global segment
of vitiviniculture, and promoted by the Inter-
national Organization of Vine and Wine. Par-
ticipants include government representatives,
educational, research and entrepreneurial in-
stitutions from39 countries.
The central theme of this edition is fo-
cused on “Vitiviniculture: technological
breakthroughs confronted with market
challenges”. Other subjects on the agenda
are as follows: sustainable development
and climate changes, winemaking, respon-
sible consumption, advances in vitivini-
cultural techniques, production of table
grapes and juices, among others.
According to José Fernando da Silva Pro-
tas, researcher at Embrapa Grape and Wine,
The congress offers an excellent opportunity
for students, professors and researchers, who
devote time to vitiviniculture, to give publicity
to their work, with chances to have their stud-
ies published by the main global organization
of the wine segment. “Attendance at the event,
the exchange of knowledge with researchers
from 39 countries, members of the World Or-
ganization of Vine and Wine, the search for
novelties and global vitivinicultural trends will
be within the sector’s reach”, he comments.
The researcher, a member of the 39th
Congress Organizing Committee, adds
that the vitivinicultural world will be fo-
cused on the Country during the event.
“We will keep them informed about our
sectoral organization and, particularly, ad-
vances we achieved and translated into the
quality of our products “, he declares.
The congress in Brazil is coordinated
and presided over by the Ministry of Agricul-
ture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa), and
the Organizing Committee of the event con-
sists of Embrapa Grape and Wine, the Brazil-
ian Wine Institute (Ibravin), the state govern-
ment of RioGrande do Sul and themunicipal
administration of BentoGonçalves. For more
information, please access site
The whole