Anuário Brasileiro da Uva 2016 - page 55

Almost all fresh grapes shipped abroad by Brazil in 2015 were produced in Vale do São
Francisco. The performance of the shipments of 34,339 tons and revenue of US$ 74.147
million in 2015 represented 99.87% in volume and 99.78% in value of the total amounts ex-
ported by Brazil. The states of Pernambuco and Bahia are the main exporters, with 25,675
tons and US$ 55.565 million, and 7,664 tons and US$ 16.562 million, respectively. “The
trend is for this proportion to reach 80% for the domestic market and 20% for the inter-
national marketplace, provided our Brazilian currency continues in its appreciation trend
against the dollar, and the purchasing power in Brazil soars”, notes João Ricardo de Lima,
researcher in Applied Economics at Embrapa Semiarid, in Petrolina (PE).
The value of exports has been rising over the years, according to the Vale do São Francis-
co Association of Producers and Exporters of Horticultural Products and Derivatives (Valex-
port). From 2009 to 2014, the foreign sales of grapes experienced a decline. The smaller ex-
ports in 2009 coincided with the crisis in the United States, one of the biggest markets of
our national product; in 2014, it was due to the fact that prices fetched in the internation-
al market were almost on a par with the domestic prices. Nonetheless, in 2015, the volume
began to rise again, suggesting a new rising trend.
The absence of genetic material specific for meeting the requirements of certain mar-
kets makes production diversification difficult when it comes to grapes in Vale do São Fran-
cisco. According to Codevasf sources, several varieties are still within the time limits set by
the Cultivar Protection Law, resulting into higher production costs. Furthermore, most ge-
netic materials are imported. Lots of farmers have opted for paying royalties to the compa-
nies, which, besides supplying the seedlings, also provide for technical assistance and assist
the farmers when it comes to selling their crop.
The Vale do São Francisco Association of Producers and Exporters of Horticultural Prod-
ucts and Derivatives (Valexport) created the project “Seedless Grapes”, jointly with the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other public organs. The agree-
ment is aimed at technology interchange. Now, the project is conducted by Valexport tech-
nicians, relying on scientific support from Embrapa, and receiving support from the region-
al Sebrae offices. The trend is for seedless grapes to predominate in the international market.
Researcher João Ricardo de Lima, from Embrapa Semiarid, explains that the region is
now going through a period of transition, in which the traditional varieties (Thompson
and Crimson, for example) are being replaced by other varieties, referred to as new vari-
eties. Among them, the ones that stand out are produced by Embrapa, like BRS Isis and
BRS Vitória, and also imported varieties. “The market has shown interest in these new
varieties and the farmers believe they will manage to reach higher performance levels at
lower production costs”, he notes.
Viticulture in Vale do São Francisco is
mainly explored by medium-scale farm-
ers, who possess from 10 to 50 hectares,
and also by commercial farmers, who
own more than 50 hectares. The activ-
ity demands high technology, like plant
growth regulators (utilized for breaking
dormancy, bunch and fruit elongation,
speeding up maturation, among oth-
er functions), ferti-irrigation, appropri-
ate pest and disease control in order to
meet the requirements of the internation-
al market; and qualified labor.
Grape production occurs in the states
of Minas Gerais, in the Codevasf projects
in Gorutuba, Jaíba and Pirapora; in Bahia,
in Bebedouro and Senador Nilo Coelho;
and in Pernambuco, in Curaçá, Maniçoba,
Salitre and Tourão. The states of Bahia and
Pernambuco are home to the main grape
producing hubs, one in in Petrolina (PE)
and the other in Juazeiro (BA).
There are about eight varieties of
grapes that are explored, and some of
them are focused on the foreign market.
The Itália variety (bicane x moscatel from
Hamburg) is still the most cultivated and,
therefore, subject to market oscillations.
However, other varieties are equally pro-
duced. Among the seed grapes, the most
common are Benitaka and Red Globe.
The seedless grapes comprise the variet-
ies: Crimson, Thompson and Festival.
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