Viewed as health superfruits, grapes pro-
vide many benefits to the human body, and
not only when consumed fresh. Fruit deriva-
tives, like juices andwines, are also allies in the
daily well-being of men and women. Several
scientific research works conducted over the
past years have been attesting to these special
benefits and encouraging consumption. One
of the most recent studies was conducted by
theMethodist University Center (IPA), in Porto
Alegre, capital city of Rio Grande do Sul. The
study, under the coordination of biomedical
scientist Caroline Dani and biochemist Cláu-
dia Funchal, attested that grape juice could
help people lose unwanted belly fat.
The results show that the benefits from
100% grape juice, without added sugar, go be-
yond the advantages for theheart and liver, the
reduction in cholesterol levels, prevention of
cancer and improvement to the cognitive ca-
pacity. Research works started in 2009 and,
since then, they have been disrupting para-
digms in science. “Rats submitted to a hyper-
lipidic grape juice diet (rich in fat) put on less
weight and abdominal fat compared to the
group that received the same food and water,
and gained mass and fat”, explains Caroline,
now focused on the subject for 10 years.
Another research led by the scientist attest-
ing to the results obtained with rodents was
conductedwithpeople. It was equally conduct-
ple who drank 100% grape juice for an entire
month, at a proportion of two 400 ml glasses a
day, split into two 200ml portions, without any
other alteration to their daily diets. “The volun-
teers reduced their abdominal circumference
and weight, as well as their body mass index
(BMI), total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol”,
says Caroline. “No changes took place in the
contents of glucose and triglycerides.”
At the State University of Rio de Janeiro
(UERJ), analysis conducted with triathletes of
the Navy strengthens the benefits of whole
grape juice. The athletes who took two glass-
es of the beverage, one before and the oth-
er after the training sessions, obtained better
results in the contests. The gains from pro-
cessed grapes do not stop there. According
to cardiologist Jairo Monson, moderate con-
sumption of wine could improve people’s
health, especially if red wines are taken, con-
tributing towards the cardiovascular system,
warding off cancer and inhibiting by 80%
the development of HIV. The beverage, also
boasts health benefits for people who suffer
from obesity and diabetics.
Brazilian biomedical doctor Caroline Dani was in the United States from September 2015 to February 2016 to carry out her Post-PhD in the
Lombardi Cancer Center, at Georgetown University, Washington DC (USA). The researcher is investigating if grape juice could be an ally in the
prevention of breast cancer. Recent studies conducted by the institution demonstrate that dietary choices during pregnancy could have an in-
fluence in the breast cancer incidences of the daughters.
Scientists have already come up with expressive results regarding the influence of the ingestion of grape juice in the modulation of some
parameters linked to the appearance of breast cancer – where the highlights are some anatomic alterations in the mammary glands of rats that
entered their puberty age. “So far the results demonstrate that female rats in their puberty, daughters of mothers who consumed grape juice
during their pregnancy, have less TEBs than those who received water”, she clarifies. The terminal end buds (TEBs) are structures present
in the mammary glands of these rodents, where an increase in their number is related to higher susceptibility to malignant transformations.
Researcher Regina Vanderline, from the Laboratory of Reference for Enology (Laren) and professor at the University of Caxias do Sul
(UCS), conducted a study on the differences of red wine varieties. The conclusion is that Merlot type beverages contain higher concen-
trations of resveratrol, a polyphenol present in fruit and is good for the body. “The average contents of resveratrol in Brazilian wines
exceed the concentration levels in other South-American countries, suggesting higher beneficial health properties compared to the
wines of other countries”, she explains. The concentration of the substance in the grapes and wines varies in accordance with the vari-
ety, geographical origin, pathogen action and fermentation processes.