Anuário Brasileiro de Aves e Suínos 2016 - page 65

Avisulat 2016 is debating
relevant subjects
related to poultry
farming, pig rearing
anddairy products
fromNovember 22 – 24,
in Porto Alegre (RS)
All in one
The 5th Congress and Brazil South Avi-
culture, Pig farming and Dairy Products Exhi-
bition (Avisulat) – Equipment, Services and
Innovation Fair will take place November
22 – 24 this year, in Porto Alegre (RS). It will
be held at the Convention Center of the Rio
Grande do Sul State Federation of Industries
(Fiergs). From 6 to 9 thousand people are
expected to visit the exhibition during the
three-day event, held every other year. These
visitors include entrepreneurs, farmers and
other members of activities directly or indi-
rectly linked to the sectors in question.
Keeping the participants focused on sub-
jects of their interest on the three productive
sectors in question is one of the objectives of
the Avisulat 2016. “It is a year of difficulties, it is
important to bring together cooperatives and
farmers with suppliers and service companies
that stay committed when bad times strike”,
says José Eduardo dos Santos, general coordi-
nator of the congress and executive director of
the Rio Grande do Sul State Aviculture Associ-
ation (Asgav). Other members of the coordi-
nating committee of the event include Darlan
Palharini, from the RioGrande do Sul State As-
sociation of Dairy Products (Sindilat), and Ro-
gério Jacob Kerber, from the Rio Grande do
Sul State Pork Industry Union (Sips).
Furthermore, according to Santos, the
event showcases the present scenario and
anticipates what will be around in 2017.
“During the three days of the event, there
will be considerable agribusiness media
coverage, besides the presence of governors,
business leaders, cooperatives, farmers and
other representatives of the sector, debating
and evaluating a changing scenario based
on post-political definitions coming from
the national political establishment, which
interfere with the economy and competi-
tiveness of the segments”, he notes.
As the general coordinator sees it, as the
event was planned and organized by entities
that represent the respective sectors, it de-
fines themes, knowledge and technologies
of interest to people linked to aviculture, pig
farming, milk and dairy products. “Now, ev-
erything is increasingly rationalized andmax-
imized. Therefore, we channel demands and
relevant subjects to the productive sectors
in three days, with diversified and qualified
schedules, and an equipment, service and
technology fair”, he explains.
The pre-defined subjects for the pro-
gramare logistics, supplies, biosafety, indus-
trial quality, safety and occupational health,
domestic and foreign markets, among oth-
ers. One of the highlights is the 2nd Inter-
national Business Meeting, a partnership
between Avisulat, the Brazilian Association
of Animal Protein (ABPA), Fiergs and Brazil-
ian Trade and Investment Promotion Agen-
cy (Apex-Brasil). “We anticipate the arrival of
importers interested in purchasing chicken-
based food, pork, milk and dairy products”,
says Santos. For more information, please
Fotos: Sílvio Ávila
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