Inor Ag. Assmann
Brazilian consumers
went in searchof
pork in 2015 and should
keep demandhigh in
2016, in spite of the
economic crisis
Allured by the
The highest level of per capita pork con-
sumption inBrazil, according to a survey by the
Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA)
since 2000, was achieved in 2015, with 15.1 ki-
logramsper persona year. Itwasupabout 2.7%
from the previous year, while, up to that time,
the highest level had been achieved in 2011
and 2012, with 14.9 kg/person/year. The cred-
it of this increase in consumption goes themar-
keting initiatives developedby the sector, under
the coordination of the Brazilian Pig Breeders
Association (ABCS), along with partnerships
and associated companies.
Weeks of pork inhuge retail networks in the
Southeast, Center-West, and in the Northeast of
the Country, Pork Festival at 40 restaurants, in-
tegration of famous chefs, and site
carnesuí are some of the initiatives
undertaken by the segment towards this pur-
pose. They put emphasis on the big variety of
cuts, practicality, health benefits and the taste of
the most consumed protein in the world, says
Nilo de Sá, executive director of ABCS.
Thanks to the campaigns, a clearer knowl-
edge of the population regarding the advantag-
es of pork contributing towards the growth of
its consumption, says Renato Simplício Lopes,
president of theNational Committeeof theBra-
zilian Confederation of Agriculture and Live-
stock (CNA). It is believed that, little by little,
the product will be leading the preferences of
the Brazilian consumers, especially in regions
where the sector is still fragmented, like in the
Northeast andNorth”, he says.
In 2016, consumption should suffer some
impact from the economic crisis and from the
unemployment numbers registered through-
out the Country, in the opinion of Rui Vargas,
vice-president of the pork department at the
Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA),
as verified by Valdecir Folador, president of
the Rio Grande do Sul State Association of Pig
Breeders (Acsurs) and councilor of market re-
lations at the ABCS. In early November, Vargas
said that there had been a decline in themarket
though the sector was still waiting for the tradi-
tional reaction at end-of-year celebrations.
For his part, the executive director at the
ABCS considered that, despite the economic re-
cession and the expansion in exports, domestic
demand for pork was still Strong, corroborated
by themaintenance of the price at a reasonable
level. In his understanding, the per capita num-
ber could remain at a similar level to the one
achieved last year. Furthermore, for 2016, Nilo
de Sá demonstrated expectations that the signs
of the economic recovery and, consequently
employment and income, should helpwith the
consolidation of the soaring demand.
Brazilian appetite
per capita
de carne suína