regular supplies,
phytosanitary and
animal well-being
differentials have
turned Brazil into
a reference in the
segments of poultry
With all
due care
Brazilian poultry and pig farming, two
agribusiness activities deeply identified with
small-scale farms of a family profile, have
turned into references to the world. Product
quality, especially pork and chicken meat,
without overlooking meat of other birds and
eggs, as well as regular supply and compli-
ance with the strict environmental and an-
imal well-being requirements, have been
responsible for gradually expanding the
number of clients of the two supply chains.
The producers and entrepreneurs of
these segments do not only handle with
extreme and necessary care their breeding
farms, for which they deserve praise and, at
the same time, they are judged for the dif-
ferentials introduced by research and an-
imal health services. They deal with ev-
erything with great care, naturally, with
extreme control of their processes aimed at
meeting the requirements set by the buyers,
whatever these requirements are.
For these constant and soaring cares,
what equally grows steadily is the number
of international markets for chicken and
pork meat produced in different region-
al hubs throughout Brazil. If, at one mo-
ment, over the past decades, poultry farm-
ing (not only chicken, but equally other
birds with high commercial value) and pig
raising, as well as their industrialized prod-
ucts, were a reality in South Brazil, iden-
tified with the European settlement (Ger-
mans and Italians, in particular), in the
21st century the two activities have also
migrated to other states and regions.
This has occurred, for the most part, on
the heels of the strides made by the grain
crops, especially corn and soybean, two
indispensable components in poultry and
pig feed. When corn fields began to cover
the vast stretches of land in the cerrados,
poultry farming and pig farming began to
shape up. Therefore, today, while these ar-
eas are supplying their regional markets,
the increase in national production made
it equally possible to offer bigger amounts
of animal protein of high quality and regu-
lar supplies to the foreign buyers. Thanks
to this scenario, Brazil is in a position to
meet the global needs of these products,
now and tomorrow.
Inor Ag. Assmann