arately generate valuable attributes for the
exports, just imagine what could happen
with a “strong country brand”, with a big
“influence” over the global perception on
the differences, boldness and profession-
alism of Brazilian agribusiness? After all,
what would the French wine be without
the vision that France is known for the ag-
gregation of values and sensorial effects?
There is a plan in the making that in-
tends to add market image and intelli-
gence strategies. I am talking about the
Market Access Program, the PAM-AGRO,
an initiative in which the ABPA and other
agribusiness associations are engaged,
under the leadership of Apex-Brasil and
the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Food Supply (Mapa).
PAM-AGRO is born with an ambitious
target: to increase the share of Brazilian
agribusiness in the global market from 7%
to 10%. The suggestions for the proposed
plan will take advantage of the expertise al-
ready achieved with the individual experi-
ences of every organization involved, uni-
fied in a synergy process, expanding their
reach with clearly defined objectives: the
expansion of the capacity of Brazilian
agribusiness of generating new business-
es, aggregating value and reaching a sin-
gularity status from the origin.
THE PAM-AGRO is one of the respons-
es that agribusiness gives the Country
in its search for surmounting the pres-
ent economic moment. It is proof that,
in light of the crisis, we react with inno-
vation and ambition, staging counter-at-
tacks. Our eyes are focused on the future,
beyond the recovery of losses. We are set
to grow. It should never be forgotten that
we have a well-defined role: we are the
Granary of the World.