Brazil’s predisposition to supply the
international markets is acknowledged by
the Brazilian people and the world. We
are one of the largest exporters of food
products in the world and leaders in sev-
eral sectors, like broiler exports, shipped
abroad through our ports to about 160
countries in the five continents.
The conquest of markets is a very hard
task. It is as complex as attracting consum-
ers. The profiles, values and preferences
and so many other factors of every market
are topics that vary at an incredible extent,
whether for cultural, religious or socioeco-
nomic values, among other aspects.
Our sector relies on work developed
with excellence by the ABPA market de-
partment. I am talking about the sectoral
projects we are managing in partnership
with the Brazilian Trade and Investment
Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil). Un-
der the coordination of our association,
there are three: Brazilian Chicken, Brazil-
ian Egg and Brazilian Pork, which consti-
tute the global brands of our sectors.
Through them, we are making prog-
ress in the perception of the importing
markets and the potential clients of our
unique quality, our unmatched phytos-
anitary status, our highly competitive pro-
ductive administration, our focus on sus-
tainability and lots of other factors that
account for what we are now in the world.
A recent example took place in France,
when the ABPA attended the SIAL Par-
is (International Food Exhibition). Held
from on October 16 – 20, it was the big-
gest international event attended by Bra-
zil’s poultry and pork sectors this year, in
a partnership with Apex-Brasil.
For this event, the ABPA occupied
an area of upwards of 400 square me-
ters under roof, with a complete struc-
ture for communicating with the poten-
tial importers. Tasting sessions featuring
chicken recipes were under the coor-
dination of chef Marcelo Bortolon. In
all, 17 agroindustries that produce and
export food products took part in the
event. The chicken and pork stands at-
tracted upwards of 4 thousand visitors
during the exhibition days. Besides po-
tential clients and buyers, journalists
and representatives of client associa-
tions visited the Brazilian stands.
According to surveys conducted by
the ABPA, during the five-day event busi-
nesses amounted to US$ 32 million in di-
rect sales to importers from Europe, Asia
and Africa, besides the expectation for
possible sales of US$ 350 million in the
next 12 months, judging from the direct
contacts with the importers of these con-
tinents. These numbers show the dimen-
sion that such initiatives reach for the na-
tional sectors. In May, at SIAL Shanghai,
we also ascertained expressive numbers:
In excess of US$ 500 million in business
expectations over a one-year period.
There have been countless conquests,
but there is room for further progress. If
the Brazilian broiler and pork brands sep-
for amore
Francisco Turra
Former minister of Agriculture and chief-executive at the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA)
Divulgação/Edi Pereira