Anuário Brasileiro do Café 2017 - page 35

n the 2016 calendar year, Brazil ex-
ported 34 million sacks of coffee,
down 8.1% from the previous year.
Brazil’s share of global shipments
dropped to 29%, against 32% in 2015.
The blame for the smaller market share
goes to the shrinking shipments of co-
nilon coffee, which remained at 580 thou-
sand sacks in 2016, down 86.2% from
2015. It was the worst result since 1997.
Brazil’s shrinking exports were compen-
sated by Vietnam and Indonesia.
In the 2016/17 coffee growing season,
the countries that export coffee negotiat-
ed 49.5 million sacks of coffee, from Octo-
ber 2016 to February 2017, up 6.7% from
the volume shipped in the same months
in the previous season, according to the
ICO report, released in February 2017. In
the five months, Vietnam shipped abroad
10.175 million sacks, up 11.5%. Brazil ex-
ported more, 14.883 million sacks, down
7.1% from the previous year.
Coffee prices (Colombian Milds, Oth-
er Milds, Brazilian Naturals and Robusta)
dropped slightly in 2017. A more serious
decline occurred in the price of Robus-
ta (1.7%), which dropped from 108.32 to
106.49 U.S. dollar cents per pound. Accord-
Robusta reflects the biggest high occurred
in more than five years in the months of
January 2017, and the debates on the per-
mission or prohibition of imports of Robus-
ta coffee by Brazil. In themeantime, foreign
purchases did not materialize.
Smaller market share is related to the
declining shipments of conilon
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