Anuário Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2017 - page 8

Inor Ag. Assmann
Eat in
ruits are healthy. This is no secret for people with
an interest in nutritive, delicious and healthy
foods. Abstaining from eating fruit is bad. Fortu-
ber of fruit species, because its territorial exten-
sion,withavarietyof soil types, climatesand temperatures,
offers the conditions for the cultivation of almost any fruit
species, if not all year round, at least during certainperiods.
It is not only the national population that benefits
from this rare and favorable environment for the pro-
duction of fruit. The saga of ever-rising exports over the
past years confirms that Brazil’s fruit farming dedication
is also part of a strategy to supply the food needs of lots
of other nations. After all, in a global reality of an ever-in-
creasing population and limitations of agricultural culti-
vations, regular supplies are getting more and more de-
pendent on Brazil’s potential.
And, following on the heels of what is witnessed in the
regional hubs spreadall across theCountry, the trend isnot
necessarily towards expanding the cultivation areas. What
ductivity, supported by technologies, where the protago-
nists areEmbrapaandother state-run institutions.
Starting fromthe grapes, peaches and table oranges in
the very South to the apples in Santa Catarina, the vast
and diversified orchards in São Paulo, papaya in Espírito
Santo, mangoes and table grapes in Vale do São Francis-
co, melons, watermelons and pineapples in theNortheast
and açaí in Pará, Brazil is amosaic of flavors and colors.
This colorful panorama is getting more and more im-
pressive. From fresh fruit to juices and industrial uses, the
national population is, year after year, greeted with nov-
elties that please their palate. As for exports, the mix of
products acquired by traditional clients all over theworld,
reveal that, at home and abroad, when it comes to fruit,
people are helping themselves in immoderation.
Exactly how things should bewhen it comes to fruits,
contrary to what is recommended for all other types of
food. Nature knows best. It is up to all of us to comply,
and in good taste.
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