Anuário Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2017 - page 17

The states that lead the production of fruit in Brazil
are not necessarily the leaders in exports. In 2016, Ceará
was the biggest fruit exporter as far as the value goes for
fresh, dried and processed fruit, besides nuts and ca-
shew nuts. Ceará’s foreign sales totaled US$ 207.202
million and 162.142 thousand tons. The second best re-
sult was achieved by Rio Grande do Norte, with revenue
of US$ 142.814 million and 188.663 thousand tons. It is
clear that in volume Rio Grande do Norte was the real
winner. In the sequence, the biggest shipments took
place in São Paulo (US$ 132.169 million) and Pernambu-
co (US$ 121.775 million).
In early 2016, a company (Itaueira) from Ceará, con-
sidered to be the biggest state fruit exporter, established
a plant in Rio Grande do Norte, in an area that used to be-
long to Del Monte, in Ipanguaçu, in the Vale do Açu region.
On that occasion, investments of R$ 8 million were an-
nounced for 2016, in order to resume agricultural produc-
tion on the farm. For this year, fruit exports were estimat-
ed at US$ 7million, through 550 containers, via Natal Port.
Exporting profile
Brazilian fruit are supposed to reacha total of R$ 26.5billion in value
Sílvio Ávila
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