Anuário Brasileiro da Fruticultura 2017 - page 13

Total fresh fruit production could vary upwards
or downwards, depending on the source and crite-
ria adopted. The IBGE PAM 2015 did not show the to-
tal result in tons, nor did it include the volumes ob-
tained from extractivism of native species, like açaí
and cajá. The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture
and Livestock (CNA), for example, had estimated the
production of fresh fruit at 44.3 million tons in 2015
and 43.8million tons in 2016.
The result equally suffers changes in accordance
with the average weight utilized to convert the pro-
duction of pineapples and common coconut in tons.
The total referred to by this yearbook is related to a
list of 20 different fruit species, without including nuts
andcashewnutsand follows, for pineapplesandcom-
mon coconuts, the conversion criteriautilizedby Ibraf.
Embrapa Cassava and Fruticulture, in Cruz das Almas
(BA), utilizes an average of 1.5 kilograms per pineap-
for Embrapa Coastal Tablelands, in Aracaju (SE).
More or less
Fruit production dropped, after achieving 42.6million tons in 2014
Sílvio Ávila
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