sessoria do Sindilat, buscam aumentar a res-
ponsabilidade de produtores, indústrias e
transportadores sobre a qualidade do pro-
duto que chega aos consumidores. O deslo-
camento do produto recebe atenção espe-
cial, obrigando, inclusive, o transportador a
ter vínculo com a empresa, sob pena de pe-
sadas multas. Assim como o produtor, ele
também deverá ser cadastrado e ainda pre-
cisará passar por treinamento reconhecido
pelo serviço oficial de fiscalização.
O transvase será possível, permitindo a
captação de leite por caminhão com dois
tanques acoplados, o que deverá oferecer
ganho logístico para a indústria e favorecer
a integração de mais produtores. Mas a ope-
ração deverá ser realizada em circuito fe-
chado (sem manipulação), em locais geor-
referenciados e com obediência às normas
ambientais, sem colocar em risco a seguran-
ça da matéria-prima transportada. Entre ou-
tras regras estabelecidas, é previsto o prazo
máximo de 48 horas entre a ordenha e o be-
neficiamento do leite e são enfatizadas ain-
da todas as obrigações sanitárias já estabele-
cidas para a cadeia produtiva.
O assunto qualidade é preocupação pre-
sente em todo País, buscando aprimorar
cada vez mais os processos desde o campo
à indústria. É, por exemplo, o tema de sé-
rie de workshops realizados pela Associação
Brasileira das Pequenas e Médias Cooperati-
vas e Empresas de Laticínios (G100), pela As-
sociação Brasileira da Indústria de Leite Lon-
ga Vida (ABVL) e pela Embrapa. O primeiro
ocorreu em 23 de junho de 2016, na Embra-
pa, em Concórdia (SC), e outros já estavam
programados para Sergipe e Minas Gerais
(Triângulo Mineiro e Zona da Mata).
Very nice
Second biggest State in production, RioGrande do Sul passed the Law
of Milk to strengthen even further its commitment to product quality
The question of product quality is the
target of a specific law made in Rio Grande
do Sul, State that ranks as second biggest
producer. To expand even further the pre-
cautions that involve the sector, where prob-
lems have been identified, public and private
areas got together to make the so-called Law
of Milk (nº 14.835/2016), which gave rise to
the Production Quality, Transport and Com-
mercialization Program. “It is a program that
encompasses all the stages, characterized by
stricter control, making it difficult to adul-
terate the milk, whilst preserving the job,
efforts and dedication of all those involved
in the activity”, says Ernani Polo, secretary of
Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.
“What really matters is the fact that the
specific legislation was devised jointly with
the sector. It represents a step forward,
from the moment the milk leaves the farm
to the consumer table”, emphasized Ivo Sar-
tori, governor of the State, at the moment
he signed the regulation of the law, at the
State Milk Forum, held in Ijuí (RS), on 24
June 2016. The event that is equally sched-
uled for other cities throughout the year,
comprises several institutions and pursues
excellence standards. “It is a moment for
considering constant improvements to the
productive processes”, comments Alexan-
dre Guerra, president of the Rio Grande do
Sul Dairy Industry Union (Sindilat/RS).
The changes set forth by the Law of the
Milk, according to Carolina Jardine, advi-
sor to Sindilat, seek to boost the responsi-
bility of the producers, industries and trans-
porters over the quality of the product that
reaches the consumers. Milk transportation
is given special attention, even making it
mandatory for the transporter to be linked
to the company, under penalty of heavy
fines. Just like the producer, transporters
should be registered, and undergo a train-
ing period acknowledged by the official in-
spection service.
The milk can be poured from one con-
tainer to another, and it can be collected
by trucks with coupled tanks, which is sup-
posed to translate into logistic gains for
the industry, whilst favoring the entrance
of more producers into the integration sys-
tem. However, the operation must be car-
ried out in closed circuit (without any ma-
nipulation), in geo-referenced locations,
in compliance with environmental stan-
dards, without exposing the transported
raw material to risks. Among other rules,
the maximum time lapse from cow milk-
ing to processing is 48 hours, while all oth-
er sanitary standards set forth for the sup-
ply chain are emphasized.
The quality issue is a concern all over
the Country, in an attempt to improve
even further all processes from field to in-
dustry. It is, for example, the theme of a
series of workshops conducted by the Bra-
zilian Association of Small and Medium-
Scale Cooperatives and Dairy Companies
(G100), by the Brazilian Association of the
Longlife Milk Industry (ABVL)and by Em-
brapa. The first occurred on 23rd June
2016, at Embrapa, in Concórdia (SC), and
other workshops had already been sched-
uled for Sergipe and Minas Gerais (Triân-
gulo Mineiro and Zona da Mata).
Governor raised a toast to the Law
with representatives of the sector