For multiple destinations
Besides consolidating and expanding the share in existingmarkets,
Brazil pursues newchances forwidening the dairy trade
“There is need to find new destinations
and consolidate our share in the existing mar-
kets”, stresses Marcelo Martins, executive di-
rector of the Brazilian Association of Dairy
Products (Viva Lácteos), regarding the chal-
lenge for inserting Brazil into the internation-
al marketplace. To this end, he says, “we work
jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, Live-
stock and Food Supply (Mapa), focused on
new countries , and we have a partnership
with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Pro-
motion Agency (Apex-Brasil)”.
The project, according to him, encom-
passes markets where Brazil is already oper-
ating, but still on a fledgling pace, but with a
potential do expand. It is the case of Angola,
Saudi Arabia, Algeria, United Arab Emirates,
the United States and Russia. “These coun-
tries import expressive amounts of items,
totaling more than US$ 1.7 billion, with
promising perspectives as far as foreign
sales go, but where Brazilian products have
had little chance so far, about 1% at the mo-
ment, says the executive director, informing
that the agenda of the items to be export-
ed includes milk powder, condensed milk,
butter and different types of cheese.
Another target, according to the same
source, is the Chinese market, with which
the Brazilian government has already start-
ed negotiations and organized commercial
missions and, at the moment, the efforts
are focused on product information. Fur-
thermore, for the second half of 2016, the
supply chain is organizing missions with
the aim to qualify a lot of national industrial
plants with the purpose to export to Boliv-
ia (six industries), Chile (24 units) and Pana-
ma (also 24), say sources from Viva Lácteos.
What should not be overlooked is the ex-
hibition of Brazilian products in international
food fairs. The aimof all this effort, the official of
the entity insists, is to find the way intomarkets
and promote Brazilian dairy products in the in-
ternational scenario. “There is need todo this in
order to create favorable conditions, thus pre-
venting any legal measures from acting as ex-
port barriers”, Martins complements.
As far as the government is concerned, at a
hearing focused on exports, held on 21st June
2016, attended by representatives of the sector,
BlairoMaggi, minister of Agriculture, expressed
the desire to remove the bureaucratic hurdles
from the activity with the aim to speed up the
foreign operations. Within this context, he set
up a working group responsible for coming up
with changes to existing standards and proce-
dures, especially in the realmof sanitary issues.
Research works maintain that, besides the
access to markets and the establishment of
trade agreements, there is need to boost the
competitiveness in costs and quality, if Brazil
wants to conquer the globalmarket in this seg-
ment. Embrapa Dairy Cattle also hints at prob-
lems related to real estate issues, lack of effi-
ciency of the productive process, and Brazil
cost (infrastructure, labor costs, labor produc-
tivity), which jeopardize Brazil’s competitive-
ness and require much attention.
Government intends to speed up exports
removing bureaucratic barriers