Quase igual
Almost equal
O volume produzido e consumido de rações no País ficou es-
timado em 67,2 milhões de toneladas em 2016, quase igual às
67,1 milhões de toneladas do ano anterior. No entanto, a apura-
çãoapontou receitapositiva. “Oaltocustodos grãos forçouaele-
dirações. Para 2017, a tendência é de que o faturamentodo setor
de rações cresça10,5%, segundooCentrodeEstudosAvançados
Duranteos seisprimeirosmesesde2016, aescaladadopreço
domilho, combinada como aumento do valor do farelo de soja,
notadamente no semestre seguinte, provocou a redução da en-
gorda de bois e da alimentação preparada do rebanho leiteiro.
mentando o alojamentode abate. Apartir do segundo semestre,
oalívioapuradono custodos principais insumos da alimentação
incentivoua retomadadapecuária leiteira. Nestemesmo semes-
tre, as cadeiasprodutivasdeavesesuínosdiminuíramo ritmoda
The volume of feed produced and consumed in the Country
was estimated at 67.2 million tons in 2016, almost equal to the
67.1 million tons in the previous year. However, the investigation
suggested a positive financial outcome. “The high cost of the ker-
nelsmade feed prices soar “, declares Ariovaldo Zani, fromSindi-
rações. For 2017, the trend is for the revenue fromthe feed sector
to soar 10.5 percent, according to the Center for Applied Studies
During the first six months in 2016, skyrocketing corn pric-
es combined with the higher price for soybean meal, particular-
ly in the following semester, was responsible for the decrease in
the number of fatted cattle and in the food preparations for dairy
confinements for slaughter. As of the second half of the year, the
relief ascertained in the cost of all major food inputs encouraged
the farmers to resume their dairy cattle operations. Within this
same semester, the bird and hog supply chains decreased their
razil is anticipating recordanimal
feed consumption in 2017. Total
production for the commercial
year is projected to reach 69.4
million tons of the product, up
3.3 percent from the 67.2 million tons esti-
mated for 2016, according to data released
by theNational Unionof theAnimal Feed In-
dustry (Sindirações). About 44 million tons
of cornand16million tons of soybeanmeal,
among other inputs, will be necessary to
reach the amount of feed for the entire year.
This increase will depend on the perfor-
mance of the supply chain and on the ex-
ports of animal protein, says Ariovaldo Zani,
executive vice-president at Sindirações. The
results of the animal protein sectors are in-
fluenced by factors that range from social
and economic questions to geopolitical in-
terferences. An uncertainty of the sector is
the exchange rate, as it interferes with the
prices of corn and soybean meal. Zani also
observes that national and international
consumers are increasingly showing pref-
erence for products and food brands they
deem reliable, and are in compliance with
animal well-being practices, without affect-
ing the environment.
The segments that leaddemand for feed
in Brazil are birds, hogs and cattle. Avicul-
ture is supposed to consume 39million tons
of feed in 2017, up 3.1 percent from the vol-
ume in theprevious year, according toSindi-
rações. Pig rearing operations are supposed
to consume 16.9 million tons of feed, up 3
percent. The third biggest volume, some 8.5
million tons of feed, will be destined for bo-
vines, up 3.5 percent. Dogs and cats should
consume 2.6 million tons, up 4.2 percent.
Horses and fish will also consume feed in
2017, up 4 percent and 9.5 percent, respec-
Brazilian livestock feed