Anuário da Região Oeste da Bahia - page 40

Inor Assmann
Good for
Region started to
introducewheat with
promising results
in productivity and
quality, hinting at good
Present in the fields of Western Bahia since 2010, with the aim to widen
cropdiversification initiatives andpromotepermanent soil coverage,wheat
produced in the region shows good results and area ex-
pansions, suggesting a chance to turn into a productive
option. In 2017, 4,200 hectares were devoted to wheat
in five farms scattered across the municipalities of Bar-
reiras, Luís Eduardo Magalhães, Riachão das Neves, São
Desidério ans Formosa do Rio Preto, according to infor-
mation collected by the Technical Council of the Bahia
Association of Farmers and Irrigators (Aiba).
The introduction of wheat, which has become one of the main eco-
nomic wintertime alternatives leading to models for the production of
many 130 sacksper
hectare in2017
soybean, bean and cotton, occurred in areas
irrigated by Central pivot, says agronomic en-
gineer and consultant Pedro Matana Júnior,
a member of the Council. Besides diversifi-
cation and soil coverage, according to him,
the motivation of the pioneers was linked
to fringe benefits, like the reduction of out-
breaks of such diseases as Fusiariosis and
Sclerotin, as wheat is not their host plant, be-
sides reducing the incidence of nematodes
andweeds. He alsomentions that the crop fa-
vors integratedmanagement of pests, diseas-
bread and soil
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