Anuário da Região Oeste da Bahia - page 48

Silvio Ávila
Area devoted to eucalyptus
trees experienced a prolonged
drought and adversely affected
the production over the coming
seasons, but there are expectations
for improvements later on
The eucalyptus reforestation sector was on a rising trend
some years ago, in Western Bahia, but was adversely affect-
ed by the occurrence of serious and persistent droughts in re-
cent years, besides a reduction in thermoelectric investments.
The situationaffects theproductionarea –which, according to
existing data, decreased by 16.7% in the 2016/17 crop year –
and should reflect in future difficulties inmeeting regional de-
mand. However, with regard to the future, the expectation is
for a resumption of eucalyptus plantations, ac-
cording to information from the specialist, in
Professor and consultant Moisés Pedreira
Souza recalls that the latest huge eucalyptus
plantations took place in the 2012/13 crop
year, with a total of some 5 thousand hect-
ares, at which he took part, besides 7 thou-
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