Silvio Ávila
Conservationareas in the
cerrado region inBahiaare
bigger thanopenspace for
different uses, likehuge
stretchesof land for raising
grazing livestock
The cerrado region in Western Bahia comprises around
9.1 million hectares of which 36%, around 3.1 million cor-
respond to open areas, consolidated for
different uses, and bigger area, of 41%,
around 4.5 million hectares, consist of
remnants of native vegetation. These
data were furnished by the National En-
vironmental Registry of Rural Proper-
ties (Cefir), which in the State is equiva-
lent to the Environmental Rural Registry
(CAR), in October 2017, when the adhesion of the region to
the procedure reached 70% of the total.
Agriculture andthe
environment are
ongoodterms in
Furthermore, 2.3 million hectares of the
open space are devoted to agricultural pro-
duction, and of the total preserved area
around 30%, corresponding to 3.3 million
hectares, are protected areas, according
to Embrapa sources. Information collect-
ed up to that time also registers that private
properties present preserved, protected ar-
eas and/or under a recovery process, bigger
than the ones officially established as “Con-
servation, Integral Protection and Sustain-
able Use Units”, at federal, state and munic-