Anuário Brasileiro da Pecuária 2017 - page 42

Overa low
Milk production in
Brazil receded in 2015
and 2016, but the
expectation for the
present period suggests
a recovery, with
environment favor
fter a period of big strides, with
record highs, milk production
throughout the nation entered
a period of stable volumes,
reaching around 35 billion li-
ters in 2014. In 2015, the Brazilian Institute
of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) detect-
ed a slight decrease, which should equal-
ly confirm throughout 2016, according to
estimates released by government organs,
while for 2017 there are expectations for a
recovery and, therefore, a return to the lev-
el achieved three years ago.
From 2006 to 2015, according to a re-
mark made by Embrapa Dairy Cattle, there
was a 3.6percent increase a year. From2011
to 2015, the National Food Supply Agency
of 2.2 percent. For 2016, this organization, in
July 2017, presented an estimated reduction
of 1 percent, while Embrapa officials pointed
to chances for adecrease from3%to 4%, co-
inciding with the levels ascertained by the
IBGE in production under inspection (3.7%).
With regard to 2017, both organs anticipate
a recovery, in levels similar to the reductions
they estimated for the previous year (1%
and between 2%and 4%).
“In 2016, the rise in production costs, es-
pecially in items like feed (corn), fuel and
medicines, caused reductions in national
production volumes”, comments veterinary
Sílvio Ávila
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