razil is home to 1.35millionmilk
producing enterprises, sector
that is present in 99 percent of
the municipalities, employs up-
wards of 4 million people just at
primary production and generates income
(around R$ 30 billion), and ranks as one of
the six main products in our national agri-
business. The numbers, released by the
Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and
Livestock (CNA), in June 2017, attest to the
importance of the sector to Brazil, and has
ed in recent years. The sector is expecting to
make strides in the future.
Falling demand stemming from the eco-
nomic crisis and an imbalance in prices and
costs were factors that resulted in unstable
production volumes over the past years, and
gave rise touncertainties. But for 2017, under
some more favorable conditions, initial indi-
cations were pointing to recovery, although
by mid-year there were still doubts about
its effectiveness. With regard to the next 10
Dairy sector shows its
importance inBrazilian
agribusiness but is
going through an
and bets on growth
over the next years