echnological evolution has worked its way into the rural setting, promot-
ing significant changes in the way agriculture is conducted. This trend,
nowpresent all over the world, is also a reality in the production of tobac-
co. Althoughbeinga traditional cropandgreatlydependent onmanual la-
bor in most Brazilian tobacco growing farms, the advances are more and
more present in the routine of the tobacco growers. Advantages include a reduction in
labor needs, improved health protection, increased safety for those who produce and
higher profits at the end of the crop.
Darci Silva, technical advisor at the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTaba-
co), maintains that the main changes started with technological advances applied on
the production of seeds, genetic enhancement and the development of more resis-
tant and productive cultivars, as well as with the production of high quality seedlings
through the float system, giving origin to successful and uniform transplants.
At field level, best agricultural practices ensure the sustainability of the produc-
tive process due to the use of efficient soil preservation practices, and its preservation
for future generations. “Minimum tillage and direct planting, together, have already sur-
mounted the traditional system. This is just one more agricultural practice greatly im-
portant for the implementation of sustainability”, he insists.
Soil analysis programs and recommendations for field fertilization have also made
strides, ensuringmore efficient performance of fertilization practices and better crop re-
sults. Progress is equally showed by personal protective equipment (PPEs), created for
protecting the health of the workers employed in tobacco farming.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) on the farms reduces the need for the use of pes-
ticides on the crop, and tobacco, without any doubt, is one of the crops that uses the
smallest amounts of pesticides for the control of pests. Besides protecting those who
produce, this modern technology also protects the environment. For preserving the
health of the integrated farmers, the sector developed special clothing for harvesting
tobacco, which reduces farmers’ dermal exposure to nicotine contained in the leaves
and prevent a possible contamination known as “Green Tobacco Sickness”.
Production of
quality seedlings
through the
float system is
an important
Inor Ag. Assmann