Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 71

velopment manager Vilson Roberto Arend. Within this context, the high-
lights of ProfiGen’s technological innovations include fast-maturing
hybrids, appropriate for markets where the production of tobacco is lim-
ited to one growing season, within a reduced time limit. “The main cul-
tivars with this characteristic are hybrids Virginia PVH19, PVH2310 and
PVH2324, vastly cultivated in European countries, besides supplying
such other markets as Bangladesh, South Korea, the United States and
Pakistan, among others “, he notes.
According to Arend, fast-maturing hybrids are cultivated in countries
where the tobacco cultivation cycle is longer, like in Brazil. “In this case,
they are mainly used for scaling the harvest periods and, therefore mak-
ing the best use of the drying facilities on the farms”, he clarifies. For the
future, the official ponders that ProfiGen takes market dynamics into con-
sideration and tries to anticipate demands that might arise in the crop. 

“One of the company’s targets is to remain ahead of its time, mak-
ing use of information about the sector and state-of-the-art technolo-
gy to anticipate its works and meet the new demands in a fast and ef-
ficient manner”, he argues. Furthermore, he reinforces that ProfiGen
is constantly investing in new technologies with the aim to improve its
products and, therefore, maximize even further the results of the tobac-
co supply chain.
Fast-maturing hybrids are now grown in several countries
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