Anuário Brasileiro do Tabaco 2016 - page 75

The innovation of this composting treatment, besides environmental
care, has generated benefits to the entire supply chain, once it provides for
the correct destination of waste and makes it possible for the associated
companies to trade the fertilizer for the production of different crops. The
success of the initiative has already turned into a reference for other nations
around the world where tobacco is grown and, in the meantime, Universal
Leaf Tabacos is conducting studies aimed at spreading the technology to
other units of the group around the world.
Fupasc, in turn, views the tobacco dust composting process as one of its big-
gest achievements. “The treatment of tobacco dust is in line with the objectives
of the foundation, consisting in developing technologies that transform waste
into productswith the smallest impact on society”, the engineer argues.
The Santa Cruz do Sul Environment Protection Foundation (Fupasc) is a non-profit legal entity governed by private law. It was
created with the aim to centralize and appropriately dispose of the waste generated by the industrial processes of a group of 10
companies in Santa Cruz do Sul, in 1998, starting operating in 2004. Ten years later, the entity began to accept new companies, and
now it comprises 17 associated companies and twomost distinguishedmembers. According to the coordinator of the environment
department, as it is a non-profit organization, the gains derived from the operation return in the form of improvements to the ope-
rational processes, services to associated members and sponsor companies.
It is an unprecedented process
and should be extended to other
tobacco growing nations
Inor Ag. Assmann
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