The Cooperation Center for Scientific Research
Relative to Tobacco (Coresta) is an association
founded in 1956, governed by the French legislation,
whose aim consists in promoting international co-
operation in studies on tobacco. The 150 founding
members of the entity are organizations, includ-
ing companies, institutes, laboratories and associa-
tions, with activities related to tobacco and its prod-
ucts, whether in the production field (agronomy,
genetic enhancement, phytopathology) or in the in-
dustrialization plants, including chemistry, metrolo-
gy or materials (Cigarette paper and Filters). All as-
sociated members are headquartered in upwards of
40 countries and represented in upwards of 50 coun-
tries through their subsidiaries and affiliated compa-
nies. At site
, it is possible to follow
closely all Coresta deliberations.
Event has been scheduled for October at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc)
Lula Helfer
Escritório Sul:
Rua FernandoManoel Schwingel, 725 • Bairro Santa Tecla • Venâncio Aires (RS) • Brasil • +55 (51)3741-5904
controle e certi cação
de tabaco, desde aprodução
no campoaté o cliente nal
· Certi caçãode programas de
sustentabilidade e tabacoorgânico;
· Supervisãode embarque e custódia
de documentos de exportação.
· Monitoramento e custódiade
estoques de tabaco, comemissãode CDA/WA;