The total production volume, according
to the association, could drop 3 percent,
to 686 thousand tons.
The final numbers will come out in Feb-
ruary, when the companies equally an-
nounce the estimated area to be cultivated
in the 2018. Benício Albano Werner, presi-
dent of Afubra, has it that the relation be-
tween supply and demand should reflect
on the prices negotiated in early 2018.
However, the conflicted information on
production costs surveyed by sectoral and
industry entities has led to an impasse.
By the end of January, only Sou-
za Cruz had officially announced its 2.2
percent price increase over the tobac-
co price table. “In general, prices in 2017
remained below the level desired by
the farmers. They had expected more,
but the good crop, and its good quality,
which made demand soar, had also re-
flections on the prices practiced”, he ac-
Considering the three varieties of to-
bacco (Virginia, Burley and Galpão), pro-
ductivity soared 22 percent, to 2,365 ki-
lograms per hectare, recovering to some
degree the drop that was caused by ad-
verse climate conditions in the 2015/16
growing season. With higher supply, the
2016/17 crop made prices drop 13.3 per-
cent, to R$ 8.63 per kilogram, on aver-
age. With bigger volumes negotiated,
gross income went up 16.4 percent, to R$
6.09 billion. The production cost in the
2016/17 season in South Brazil reached
an average of R$ 20,702 per hectare, ac-
cording to Afubra.
The Brazilian market continued on
the decline, according to sector sourc-
es, particularly because of ever-rising tax
burdens, antismoking campaigns and
the strides made by contraband and illic-
it trade of cigarettes. On the other hand,
the Country has something to celebrate:
25 years in a row of global leadership in
tobacco export, from 1993 to 2017. Ac-
cording to the Ministry of Development,
Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), in
2017, leaf exports amounted to 462 thou-
sand tons, bringing in US$ 2.09 billion.
“After a 15-percent drop in the first
half of the year, shipments began to in-
crease considerably, keeping leaf to-
bacco as a major product on the export
list, again ensuring the leadership of the
Country in the global market”, says Iro
Schünke, president of the Interstate To-
bacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco).
By and large, one third of all glob-
al leaf exports have their origin in Bra-
zil. The crop represents 1 percent of Bra-
zil’s total exports in 2017, and 9.2 percent
of the shipments of Rio Grande do Sul.
Throughout 2017, 94 countries imported
leaf tobacco from Brazil, and 60 percent
of this leaf was destined for eight coun-
tries: Belgium, China, the United States,
Italy, Indonesia, Germany, Russia, and
South Korea.
In the global scenario, only China out-
strips Brazil in volume of tobacco, which
is produced by 150 thousand farmers, in
566 municipalities, with 40 thousand di-
rect job at the processing plants, and
nearly 300 thousand hectares in planted
areas. In 2018, the expectation is for ex-
ceeding the export results.
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