I have the power
European breeds raised in South Brazil and zebu breeds in the rest of the
territory, turn Brazil into an active global supplier of best quality beef
Not many countries in the world have
Brazil’s beef cattle farming favorable con-
ditions, which include the climate, pro-
duction system and land availability. While
most nations, due to an array of limitations,
rely almost entirely on concentrated struc-
tures, on confinements and small spaces, in
the vast areas of land throughout the Coun-
try cattle are raised on pastureland, with
daily intakes that favor the quality of the
meat and the well-being of farm animals.
Not by chance, the bovines can also enjoy
or take advantage of the amiabilities expe-
rienced by the ox in the photograph that il-
lustrates this introduction, with trees at its
disposal (as well as their shade) to regain
strength in a very pleasant moment of relax.
But it is not only relax that is at stake.
Through genetic enhancement and much
research work, focused on the ideal cost-
benefit relation of the enterprises, these an-
imals reach an excellent production perfor-
mance, with meat greatly accepted by the
consumers. As a result, year after year, Bra-
zil’s beef exports soar. And not even the do-
mestic recession, which has reflections on
the Brazilian currency, depreciated against
the dollar, inhibits this good moment. Bra-
zilian beef cattle farming operations ex-
plore a unique beef production scenario in
the world, consisting in raising European
breeds in the three southern states, charac-
terized by a colder winter, and zebu breeds
in the vast stretches of land in the Southeast,
Center-West, Northeast and North.
At present, the states of Mato Grosso
and Mato Grosso do Sul are leading pro-
ducers. And their referential characteristic
is exactly the extensive livestock produc-
tion system, where the animals graze free-
ly. There are also feedlots in Brazil, whenev-
er this system becomes relevant for supply
assurance reasons. Studies focused on ide-
al feeding systems, as well as on the envi-
able sanitary status of the Brazilian cattle,
are responsible for making Brazilian beef
very appreciated around the world, attract-
ing more and more consumers.
In Brazil, agribusiness predominates
in all regions. With the strength of the cat-
tle raising operations, progress is finding its
way into the most remote secluded places,
clearly depicted by the 2016 Brazilian Beef
Cattle Yearbook – in the unfolding that the
traditional Brazilian Cattle Yearbook, by Edi-
tora Gazeta, introduces as of this year.
Happy reading!