Anuário Brasileiro do Gado de Corte 2016 - page 12

More than 500 countries around the
world consume bovinemeat produced inBra-
zil. With a commercial herd estimated at 214
million head, in 2015 the Country shipped
abroad 1.4 million tons, bringing in revenue
of US$ 5.94million. Total production amount-
ed to approximately 10million tons. For 2016,
with the resumption of important markets,
likeChina, theUnited States and Japan, the ex-
pectation of the Association of Brazilian Beef
Exporters (Abiec) is to trade about 2 million
tons, with revenue close to US$ 7.5 billion,
keeping its position as leading global exporter.
In general, approximately 20% of the
entire national volume is shipped to oth-
er countries, whilst 80% of the meat is des-
tined for the domestic market. In 2015 and
2016, the cattle farming business was remu-
nerative, but consumption dropped slightly,
taking into consideration the economic and
political crisis the Country is going through.
Brazilian bovine meat is successful abroad
not only for its quality, but because of its
unique grass-fed characteristics. Of a total of
214 million head, only 750 thousand are fin-
ished in beef feedlot systems, with feedmade
from grains. According to Abiec sources, in
2015, the Gross Production Value (GPV) of
beef cattle involved upwards of R$ 380 bil-
lion, not only from the production of cattle,
but equally from the use of such byproducts
as hides and tallow, for different purposes.
The sanitary status of the herd makes a
difference and is paving the way for special-
ty markets, like Japan, the United States, the
European Union and even the Arab world.
This potential lends support to the invest-
ments by the supply chain, as it is not easy to
comply with the quantity and quality require-
ments, with the strict standards and interna-
tional protocols of certification, traceability
and sanitary standards.
In spite of this, sectoral leaderships take it
that there is need to invest more on the qual-
ity focus to please the clients, once at glob-
al level Brazil has earned a reputation for
producing beef in huge quantity. “We need
to find our way into quality market niches,
where remunerationmakes a difference”, ex-
plains Antonio de Salvo, president of the Na-
tional Beef CattleCommittee, adivisionof the
Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and
Livestock (CNA). From 2000 to 2014, Brazil-
ian beef exports soared 737%, from US$ 779
million to US$ 6.4 billion. The Country sells
fresh meat to 151 nations, while industrial-
ized meat is shipped to 105 countries, but
the numbers are bound to go up.
International negotiations never stop and
have been yielding good results, as shown
by the figures and the change in client pro-
files. Until 2007, the biggest importer was the
European Union, outstripped by Russia in
2012. Then Hong Kong outstripped the Eu-
ropean Union and Russia and, now, China is
outstripping Hong Kong.
Using the head
Withthe biggest commercial herd in theworld, andthanks to
technological breakthroughs andwidely acknowledged
sanitaryquality, Brazil is expanding itsmarkets
T here is no shortage
of challenges, but the
Country is aware of
its growth potential
Sílvio Ávila
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